Käännös "desobedecerlo" englanti
Más mujeres que hombres consideran que el hombre tiene derecho a golpear a su mujer, citando para eso razones extrañas: no hacer el trabajo doméstico a satisfacción del esposo, desobedecerlo o preguntarle si tiene relaciones con otras mujeres.
More women than men considered that men were entitled to beat their wives, and strange reasons for doing so were cited: not doing housework to the satisfaction of their husbands, disobeying them or asking whether they had relationships with other women.
Ninguna persona que se niegue a cumplir órdenes de un superior por ser esas órdenes ilegales podrá ser castigado por desobedecerlas.
An individual who refused to act on orders from a superior on grounds that those orders were illegal could not be punished for disobeying them.
Los seleccionados deben, muchas veces, "el favor" del nombramiento a quienes los eligen y por ello procurarían no "osar desobedecerlos".
Selected candidates often owe "the favour" of the appointment to those who elect them and therefore do not "dare disobey" them.
1. Públicamente ponga en entredicho el carácter vinculante de las leyes o incite directamente a otros a desobedecerlas;
1. Publicly challenges the binding nature of laws or directly incites others to disobey the law;
Ocho meses después, la Sala de lo Constitucional no se ha pronunciado y la medida queda vigente como una "Espada de Damocles" sobre las organizaciones sociales, varias de las cuales han recibido multas por desobedecerla.
Eight months later, the Constitutional Chamber has not ruled on the matter and the measure remains in force, hanging like a sword of Damocles over social organizations, several of which have been fined for disobeying the ordinance.
No obstante, desearía que el "desempeño de funciones" no se utilizase como justificación de las violaciones de los derechos humanos cometidas por miembros del ejército; el personal militar que recibe órdenes cuya ejecución comporte tales violaciones tiene derecho a desobedecerlas.
He would note, however, that "duty" should never be used as a justification for violations of human rights committed by the military; military personnel receiving orders the carrying out of which would entail such violations have the right to disobey.
Desobedecerla era insoportable.
It was not endurable to disobey it.
Pero desobedecerlas era impensable.
But it was unthinkable to disobey them.
No deberíamos desobedecerle.
“We shouldn’t disobey them.”
A nadie se le ocurría desobedecerla.
No one thought of disobeying her.
Y nunca soñé en desobedecerle;
And I never dreamed of disobeying him;
¿Quiénes somos nosotros para contradecirle o desobedecerlo?
Who are we to gainsay or disobey Him?
Tenía algo en la voz que me impedía desobedecerle.
Something in his voice made it impossible to disobey.
¿Quién osaría desobedecerle?
We dare not disobey.
no deberias desobedecerla.
You shouldn't disobey her.
Nosotros no podemos desobedecerlo
We cannot disobey him
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