Mentre osservavano i partecipanti alla cena che non cenavano, diversi dettagli inconsueti divennero evidenti.
As they continued to observe the diners who were not dining, several unusual details became apparent.
I ninja osservavano i loro bersagli per settimane, per conoscere alla perfezione le loro abitudini giornaliere.
The ninja would observe their target for weeks, in intimate knowledge of their daily habits.
C'erano uomini che mi osservavano, ma non riuscivo a vederli in faccia.
There were men standing over me, but I couldn't see their faces.
Solo... mi osservavano.
Just... Watching me.
Quando osservavano gli unni.
When they watched the Huns.
Lo sai che ci osservavano, no?
You know they've been watching us, right?
- Si', magari lo osservavano da un po'.
Yeah, maybe they were watching him for a while.
Tutti osservavano Ashley.
Everyone was watching Ashley.
Forse osservavano dalla scuola.
Maybe they were watching from school.
Mi guardavano, mi osservavano...
Yes, but they were watching me.
allora è vero che ci osservavano.
So they were watching us.
E mentre ci osservavano, Andrew li riprendeva.
And they, uh, watched us, and Andrew filmed them.
Ricordo che tutti osservavano le mie mosse.
I remember everybody watching my every move...
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