Käännös "voluntad de hacer" englanti
Voluntad de hacer
  • willingness to do
willingness to do
Existía la voluntad de hacer cualquier cosa para lograr el objetivo de derribar a Clinton.
There was an element of a willingness to do anything to achieve the goal of bringing Clinton down.
Un grupo de personas unidas con la única voluntad de hacer exactamente lo que digo.
A group of people who are drawn together, with a willingness to do exactly as I say.
Respetamos y admiramos su voluntad de hacer lo que era necesario
We respect and admire your willingness to do what was necessary in that matter.
Con voluntad para hacer lo que hay que hacer.
A willingness to do what is needed.
Una violencia cancerosa había carcomido toda idea política, se había apoderado de las ideas mismas y, para muchos, lo único que importaba era la voluntad de hacer algo.
A cancerous violence had eaten into every political idea, had taken over the ideas themselves, and for so many, all that mattered was the willingness to do something.
No porque crea que hay un propósito sagrado en este derramamiento de sangre, sino porque demuestra mi voluntad de hacer lo que me pide, incluso a un alto precio personal.
Not because I think this bloodletting has anything to do with holiness, but because it shows my willingness to do what I'm told, even when it has a harsh personal cost.
Con su silencio de tumba, su aire de indio digno y su buena voluntad para hacer favores, se había congraciado con mucha gente, vendedoras del mercado, estibadores del puerto, artesanos de los barrios, cocheros, lacayos y criadas de las casas de los ricos.
With his tomblike silence, his dignified Indian ways, and his willingness to do favors, he had endeared himself to many people: the women in the market, the stevedores in the port, the artisans in the barrios, and the coachmen, lackeys, and servants in the homes of the rich.
Sin embargo su grandeza era auténtica, no porque tuviera el coraje absoluto basado en su fuerza abrumadora, lo cual es indiscutible, sino porque los remordimientos que le causaban los malos actos y su voluntad de hacer lo posible por expiarlos, mostró la grandeza de su alma.
Nevertheless he had true greatness. Not because he had complete courage based upon overwhelming strength, which is merely a matter of course, but because, by his sorrow for wrongdoing and his willingness to do anything to expiate it, he showed greatness of soul.
El mismo pensamiento era tan intolerable que en estas circunstancias realmente le habría aliviado enterarse de que debía servir otros cinco años en Gujerat o aun diez o veinte, porque marcharse ahora podría significar abandonara Juli en el preciso momento en que ella más le necesitaba, y cuando la vida misma de la muchacha podía depender de la presencia de Ash en Ahmadabad, y en su voluntad de hacer todo lo posible por ayudarla.
The very thought was so intolerable that at this juncture he would actually have been relieved to hear that he must serve another five years in Gujerat; or even ten or twenty, for to leave now could mean deserting Juli just when she might need help more than she had ever needed it before, and at a time when her very life might depend on his presence here in Ahmadabad, and his willingness to do anything he could to help her.
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