Käännös "ve a visitar" englanti
Ve a visitar
Ve a visitar a su familia.
You go visit his family.
Ve a visitar a una amiga… y llévate a Dary contigo.
Go visit a girl friend . and take Dary with you.
—estalló Ponymarrón—. Ve a visitar a tu santo patrón en el priorato. No quiero oír esto.
Brownpony erupted. “Go visit your patron saint at the priory. I don’t want to hear this.”
—Príncipe Kheldar —dijo Velvet con delicadeza—, ve a visitar los baños, por favor, o al menos no te acerques tanto.
Velvet said pleasantly, "please do go visit the baths—or at the very least, don't stand quite so close."
Ve a visitar a papá —dijo—. Se muere de ganas de verte. Y tanto a ti como a él os sentaría muy bien hablar como dos personas civilizadas, aunque sólo fuese para variar.
"Go visit Dad," he said. "He wants to see you. And it wouldn't hurt either of you to try to talk like a couple of civilized people for a change."
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