Käännös "tratado con respeto" englanti
Tratado con respeto
Y tienen que ser tratados con respeto.
And they need to be treated with respect.
469. Todos los niños, niñas y adolescentes tienen derecho a ser tratados con respeto y dignidad por parte de sus educadores.
469. All children and adolescents have the right to be treated with respect and dignity by their teachers.
Todos los niños deben ser tratados con respeto por su dignidad y su valor.
Each child must be treated with respect for his or her dignity and value.
Se les enseña que las personas deben ser tratadas con respeto y que los malos tratos no se tolerarán.
They were taught that individuals should be treated with respect and that ill-treatment would not be tolerated.
f) ser tratada con respeto por quienes le prestan asistencia médica.
(f) Be treated with respect by those providing the medical care and assistance.
También debe ser tratada con respeto y haciendo gala del mayor tacto.
It also needs to be treated with respect and a high degree of sensitivity.
A pesar de haberse colado en el país, se los ha acogido y tratado con respeto.
Even though they had slipped into the country, they were made welcome and treated with respect.
Garantizar que los jóvenes delincuentes sean tratados con respeto y en forma humanitaria.
Ensuring that young offenders are treated with respect and humanity.
Sean escuchados, tratados con respeto, y se les reconozca su raza e identidad cultural;
Be listened to, treated with respect, and have their race and cultural identify recognised;
31. La nueva Ley sobre inmigración estipula que todos los extranjeros ilegales han de ser tratados con respeto.
31. The new immigration Law stipulated that all illegal aliens must be treated with respect.
...él debe ser tratado con respeto, porque...
...he should be treated with respect, because...
Lauren está siendo tratada con respeto.
Lauren is being treated with respect.
- Meresco ser tratada con respeto.
And deserve to be treated with respect.
Entre los enanos, los viejos eran tratados con respeto.
Among the dwarves, the elderly were treated with respect.
Los enemigos caídos merecen ser tratados con respeto. —¿Por qué?
“A fallen opponent should be treated with respect.” “Why?”
Espero ser tratada con respeto, señor Sharpe.
I expect to be treated with respect, Mister Sharpe.
La Biblia no es igualitaria, pero los más bajos deben ser tratados con respeto;
The Bible is inegalitarian, but the lowly are to be treated with respect;
Ahí dentro se encuentra el alma de un peculiar y debe ser tratada con respeto.
“There’s a peculiar soul in there, and it should be treated with respect.”
Desean ser tratadas con respeto y cortesía porque son muy buenas alumnas.
They should be treated with respect and courtesy, because they are all very good students.
Son unas criaturas muy serias, solemnes y sensibles, y esperan ser tratadas con respeto.
They are very dignified, very sensible beings, and they expect to be treated with respect.
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