Käännös "purgante" englanti
Samankaltaiset kontekstilausekkeet
Bueno, hay un purgante para inducirle...
Well, is there a purgative to give her to induce...?
Puedo haceros un purgante.
I can make you a purgative.
Hay purgantes en todos los baños.
There's a purging station in every bathroom
Esto es un purgante para caballos.
Here's purgative meant for horses.
¿No? , Tal vez necesita un purgante.
Then perhaps he needs a purgative.
Le recetó aceite de ricino como purgante.
You prescribed castor oil as a purgative.
Tomate el purgante o no te irás a bañarte este año.
Take the purgative or you won't go bathing this year.
- Solo necesita un purgante.
- You should only take a purgative.
Y el purgante Baba Ramdev ha actuado milagrosamente.
And Baba Ramdev's purgative worked miraculously.
No hay mejor remedio para la melancolía que un purgante.
No better remedy for melancholia than a purgative.
Para mí son más bien un purgante sentimental.
More of an emotional purgative.
Entonces llegó el efecto purgante.
Then the purgative hit.
Es como si hubiera tomado un purgante.
It is as if he has taken a purge.
Euforbo utilizaba la planta como purgante.
Euphorbus employed it as a purgative.
Tomó purgantes hasta abortar.
She took purges until She aborted the child.
Era un purgante para la mente, una catarsis para el alma.
It was a purging of his mind, a cleansing of his soul.
El capitán no era amigo, sin embargo, de sangrías ni purgantes;
The captain, nonetheless, was no friend to bloodletting or purges;
Le habían administrado incontables purgantes y diuréticos.
She had been given countless purges and diuretics.
Es un purgante, señor Starbuck, y muy violento.
It’s a purgative, Mr. Starbuck, and a very violent one.
¿De verdad te administraron purgantes? —Sí, eso hicieron.
Did they really use purgatives on you?” “Yes, they did.”
Un elemento purgante... que la vuelve catártica.
According to our lab report, it has an element which makes it cathartic.
Esto ha sido purgante para Kelly, arramblar con todo y quemar las cosas que no necesitamos más.
RICHARD: I think it might have been cathartic for Kelly to pack things up, organize, and burn some of the stuff we just don't need anymore.
Crag se aprovechó del tiempo que medió para tomar un par de drogas de la vitrina; una de ellas, belladona, y otra, un purgante activo.
Crag took advantage of the temporary solitude by making free use of two drugs, one of them belladonna and the other a quick-acting cathartic, he found in the supply cabinet.
Si sobresaltas al niño, lo sacudes y lo escaldas, lo azotas con purgantes y lo aturdes con ginebra, puede que lo mates, pero si es muy fuerte (y Francis Primero lo era, de lo contrario, no habría sobrevivido al tratamiento que le aplicaron), puede que te quedes con una rareza entre manos.
If you jolt and shake and parboil the child, and batter it with cathartics and stun it with gin, you may kill it, or if it is very strong—and Francis the First was very strong or he wouldn’t have survived the dance they led him—you may have an oddity to deal with.
Como Hector tenía el vientre tan revuelto a causa de los purgantes, presentaba ese síntoma con frecuencia: entonces le administraba directamente sobre la lengua unos polvos de un sobrecito rosa y, a continuación, una cucharada de mermelada, que solo hacía la dosis más granulosa y nauseabunda.
Hector, whose inside was continually being churned with cathartics, very often had this symptom, and the worm powder was poured from its pink tissue wrapper upon his tongue, followed by a gobbet of jam which only made the dose more gritty and nauseous.
Lo cual venía a decir que, al dar las siete campanadas de la guardia de alba, el capitán del Ramillies había ingerido todo el ruibarbo, azufre, zumo de higos y cualquier otro purgante que tuviera a mano, de tal modo que pudiera pasar sentado en el jardín la mayor parte del día, gruñendo y haciendo fuerza, obviamente incapaz de ejercer de invitado de nadie.
This meant that at seven bells in the morning watch the Ramillies's captain had stuffed himself with rhubarb, brimstone, the inspissated juice of figs and any other cathartics that happened to be at hand, so that he would be confined to the seat of ease in his quarter-gallery, groaning and straining, for the greater part of the day, clearly unfit as a guest at a dinner-table.
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