Käännös "ellos consideran son" englanti
Consideran que la ciencia es un sacrilegio.
They consider science to be sacrilege.
Las distinciones que no se consideran discriminatorias
Distinctions not considered discriminatory
Estados que consideran que la legislación
States considering existing legislation to be sufficient
Que la consideran su lengua materna (%)
Considering this their native language (%)
Consideran lengua materna :
Considering mother tongue to be
(no se consideran funciones básicas)
(not considered core functions)
Además, existen disposiciones que especifican cuáles son los actos que se consideran discriminación directa e indirecta, y cuáles no se consideran discriminación.
Additionally, there are stipulations specifying what is considered direct and indirect discrimination, and what is not considered discrimination.
Las consideran animalitos.
They consider them animals.
No te consideran una Chen.
You are not considered a Chen.
Lo consideran algo importante.
They consider it big-time.
Nos consideran impuros.
We are considered unclean.
Muchos de ellos lo consideran aburrido.
Many of them consider it boring.
Y ellos no te consideran un amigo.
And they don’t consider you a friend.
—¿No lo consideran… ominoso?
You don't consider it... ominous?
Algunos miembros consideran que se ha sobrestimado este peligro.
Some members believe that these dangers have been overstated.
Sin embargo, los Estados Unidos no las consideran inalcanzables.
The United States, however, does not believe them to be unachievable.
Con todo, otros consideran que también se necesitarán garantías políticas.
However, some believe that political assurances will also be needed.
Algunas delegaciones consideran que todas son inadecuadas.
Some delegations believe that they are all inadequate.
Algunas delegaciones consideran que este elemento es demasiado amplio.
Some delegations believe this element is too expansive.
Otros consideran que una cifra de aproximadamente 20 sería el máximo.
Others believe that a figure around 20 is a maximum.
No se consideran suficientemente seguras en matemáticas y no les interesan.
They do not believe they are strong enough in mathematics and are not interested in it.
Los consultores consideran que se ha dado un paso en la dirección correcta.
The consultants believe that this is a step in the right direction.
Los magistrados consideran que esas recomendaciones han de examinarse más a fondo y con más detalle.
The judges believe that these recommendations require further and closer examination.
—¿Y por qué entonces te consideran un traidor?
‘Why, then, would they believe you are a traitor?’
Y algunos incluso os consideran ya esa persona.
Some even sincerely believe in you for yourself.
—Y me consideran inocente, ¿verdad?
“And you believe me innocent, don’t you?”
Las semillas de nim se consideran antibióticas;
Neem seeds were believed to be antibiotic;
Los que consideran que la magia es el Caos no se equivocan.
Those who believe that magic is Chaos are not mistaken.
—Sí, pero muchos consideran que se trata de un mito.
‘Yes, I have, of course, but I’ve been led to believe that it is merely a legend.’
Los que consideran que la magia es un arte también tienen razón.
Those who believe that magic is art are also right.
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