Käännös "they consider are" espanja
They consider science to be sacrilege.
Consideran que la ciencia es un sacrilegio.
Distinctions not considered discriminatory
Las distinciones que no se consideran discriminatorias
States considering existing legislation to be sufficient
Estados que consideran que la legislación
Considering this their native language (%)
Que la consideran su lengua materna (%)
Considering mother tongue to be
Consideran lengua materna :
(not considered core functions)
(no se consideran funciones básicas)
Additionally, there are stipulations specifying what is considered direct and indirect discrimination, and what is not considered discrimination.
Además, existen disposiciones que especifican cuáles son los actos que se consideran discriminación directa e indirecta, y cuáles no se consideran discriminación.
They consider them animals.
Las consideran animalitos.
You are not considered a Chen.
No te consideran una Chen.
They consider it big-time.
Lo consideran algo importante.
We are considered unclean.
Nos consideran impuros.
Many of them consider it boring.
Muchos de ellos lo consideran aburrido.
And they don’t consider you a friend.
Y ellos no te consideran un amigo.
You don't consider it... ominous?
—¿No lo consideran… ominoso?
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