Käännös "casi extinguida" englanti
Sus brazos caídos, a medio camino de sus costados, su voluntad, casi extinguida.
His arms sagged, halfway to his sides, his will almost extinguished.
Y su presentimiento llegó a ser tan negro y poderoso que estaba casi extinguida.
And the foreboding became so black and so powerful in her, that she was almost extinguished.
—gritó Tim, casi sin apartar los ojos del fuego de la camioneta, que ya estaba casi extinguido.
Tim yelled, barely taking his eyes off the fire on the truck, which, by then, was almost extinguished.
Dentro de su cuerpo sintió un fuego ya casi extinguido, pero que a pesar del Atlántico entero todavía ardía.
There was a small fire in his body that was almost extinguished but incredibly was still smouldering despite the Atlantic.
Su luz se apagaba, estaba casi extinguida, pero Índigo tuvo la inquietante sensación de que, a pesar de lo informe que era, aquella cosa la miraba.
Its light was dimming, almost extinguished, but Indigo had the disquieting sensation that, formless though it was, it was looking up at her.
Miró hacia Pavía. Sobre el morado y el rojo violáceo del alba, todavía brillaban esos pequeños puntos de luz, ya casi extinguidos por el día naciente.
She looked toward Pavia. Against the violet red and purple of the dawn, those few pinpricks of light still glowed, already almost extinguished by the breaking day.
Belerofonte, por su parte, había herido mortalmente la cabeza de león, que caía colgando, con el fuego casi extinguido y lanzando bocanadas de humo negro y espeso.
On his part, Bellerophon had mortally wounded the lion's head of the monster, insomuch that it now hung downward, with its fire almost extinguished, and sending out gasps of thick black smoke.
Marty Weaver es un dinosaurio casi extinguido atrapado en un pozo de brea.
Marty Weaver is a nearly extinct dinosaur trapped in a tar pit.
Al igual que los golems, están casi extinguidos.
Like golems, they’re nearly extinct.
Por desgracia, el lugar plenamente público es una especie casi extinguida.
Unfortunately, the fully public place is a nearly extinct category.
Pero el águila podía volar y estaba casi extinguida, a pesar de que su vista es mejor que la del hombre.
Yet the eagle could fly and he was nearly extinct, even though his eyesight was better than man's.
Peinaban agencias de viajes casi extinguidas en la era de internet, cuyas exhortaciones e invitaciones en los carteles alcanzaban agudos y desesperados registros.
They swept travel agencies nearly extinct in an internet age, the exhortations and invitations on the posters hitting shrill and desperate registers.
Otra criatura casi extinguida, y sin embargo, había cargado contra ellos por el campo el otoño pasado, tratando de ensartarlos con sus cuernos serrados.
Yet another nearly extinct creature, this ferocious beast had charged at them across a field last autumn, slashing with its serrated horns.
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