406. Accident insurance is subject to the Accident Insurance Act (LAA), in force since 1944.
L'assurance-accidents est régie par la loi fédérale sur l'assurance-accidents (LAA), en vigueur depuis 1984.
(b) Accident insurance: coverage by accident insurance of certain activities undertaken by young people;
b) Assurance-accident : la couverture par l'assurance-accident de certaines activités de jeunes;
Well... don't you think he ought to have accident insurance?
Croyez-vous qu'il devrait avoir une assurance accident ?
The guy that walks into a good-looking dame's front parlor and says, "good afternoon, I sell accident insurance on husbands."
et dit " bonne après-midi, je vends des assurances accidents sur les maris."
Dollar for dollar, Mr. Dietrichson... accident insurance is the cheapest coverage you can buy.
L'assurance accident est la plus rentable.
There's a daughter, but all she remembers is Neff talking to her father... about accident insurance at their house one night.
Sa fille se rappelle seulement avoir entendu Neff parler d'assurance accident à son père, un soir.
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