Käännös "when you married" espanja
When you married
You know when you married me.
Lo sabías cuando te casaste conmigo.
I grew up when you married Avery.
Maduré cuando te casaste con Avery.
You did that when you married me.
Lo hiciste cuando te casaste conmigo.
Were you a virgin when you married?
Eras cuando te casaste?
You knew that when you married him.
Lo sabías cuando te casaste con él. –Sí.
Was she into drugs when you married her?
¿Ya se drogaba Sandy cuando te casaste con ella?
“You knew that when you married me.”
—Eso ya lo sabías cuando te casaste conmigo.
“Is that what you looked for when you married Dad?”
—Fue eso lo que tú miraste cuando te casaste con papá.
I was there when you married Esmeralda, was I not?
Yo estaba allí cuando te casaste con Esmeralda, ¿recuerdas?
“That’s what you thought when you married Poppa.”
—Eso fue lo que pensaste cuando te casaste con papá.
When you married her I was ready to be friends.
Cuando te casaste con ella, estaba dispuesto a ser su amigo.
‘Did you know he was like that when you married him?’
—¿Sabías que era así cuando te casaste?
"You didn't think so when you married me.
—No pensabas lo mismo cuando te casaste conmigo.
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