Käännös "steadily increased" espanja
They have been steadily increasing since 2010.
Han aumentado constantemente desde 2010.
The KFTC has steadily increased the level of surcharges in order to curb cartels.
La Comisión ha aumentado constantemente la cuantía de las multas a fin de reprimir los cárteles.
33. Maternal mortality rate has steadily increased.
33. La tasa de mortalidad materna ha aumentado constantemente.
In Portugal the life expectancy at birth has been steadily increasing.
17. La esperanza de vida al nacer ha aumentado constantemente en Portugal.
The number of units on the ground has been steadily increasing and will continue to do so.
El número de unidades sobre el terreno ha aumentado constantemente y seguirá haciéndolo.
The proportion of the community living outside of Rotuma has been steadily increasing.
La proporción de la comunidad que vive fuera de Rotuma ha aumentado constantemente.
This number has steadily increased and in the spring of 2001, 16.13% of the graduates were women.
Esta proporción ha aumentado constantemente y en la primavera de 2001 llegaba a 16,13%.
The number of such contracts had steadily increased.
El número de dichos contratos ha aumentado constantemente.
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