Käännös "person attempting" espanja
That's because they were written by one person attempting to mimic two different styles.
Eso es porque fueron escritas por una persona intentando imitar dos estilos diferentes.
It was not like anything else that he could think of; the three things nearest to it seemed to be the noise made by siphons of soda-water, one of the many noises made by an animal, and the noise made by a person attempting to conceal laughter.
No se le ocurría qué podría haber causado esos sonidos. Pensó que lo más similar era el ruido del sifón, el producido por algún animal o el realizado por una persona intentando contener la risa.
§ 3. If as a consequence of the crime under § 1 or 2 above the injured person attempts to take his/her life, the perpetrator shall be subject to the penalty of deprivation of liberty from 2 to 15 years.
3. Si de resultas del delito tipificado en los párrafos 1 ó 2, la persona agraviada intenta suicidarse, el autor será condenado a una pena de privación de libertad de 2 a 15 años.
2. Any person also commits an offence if that person attempts to commit an offence as set forth in paragraph 1.
2. También comete delito toda persona que intente cometer cualquiera de los delitos previstos en el párrafo 1.
3. Any person also commits an offence if that person attempts to commit an offence as set forth in paragraph 1.
3. También comete delito toda persona que intente cometer cualquiera de los delitos previstos en el párrafo 1.
354. If a person attempts to commit one of the above torture offences, then they are guilty of the offence of attempting to commit that offence, and may be punished as if they had actually committed the torture offence [s 44 of the Criminal Code 2002].
354. La persona que intenta cometer uno de los delitos de tortura antes indicados es culpable de un delito en el grado de tentativa para cometer ese delito y puede ser castigada como si hubiese cometido realmente el delito de tortura [artículo 44 del Código Penal de 2002].
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