Käännös "come running" espanja
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Come... come... running, O my dear...
Ven ... ven ... corriendo, oh mi querido ...
When I give you the signal, you come running.
Cuando te haga una señal, ven corriendo.
Come running towards the light.
Ven corriendo hacia la luz.
- Come run with us.
- Ven corriendo con nosotros.
And then come running to me for your cable tv bills.
Y luego ven corriendo a mí para que pague tus facturas de la televisión por cable.
Good, I thought, I’m drunk enough. “Herbert,” I called out, “southern boy has got hold of your fiddle and you best come running.”
«Bien —pensé—, estoy lo bastante borracho.» —Herbert —grité—, el joven sureño se ha apoderado de tu violín. Ven corriendo.
♪ I'll always come running
# Siempre voy a venir corriendo #
You made me come running here...
Me has hecho venir corriendo.
How fast did you come running?
¿Cuánto tardaste en venir corriendo?
You know, you can't come running to me
No puedes venir corriendo
Sam come running to you?
Sam venir corriendo a ti?
Come running. The revolution is being
Y si me llaman, Voy a venir corriendo.
You'd best come running.
Más te vale venir corriendo.
♪ I'll always come running to you ♪
# Siempre voy a venir corriendo a ti #
Just make sure you come running.
Asegúrate de venir corriendo.
- Did you see a cat come running past here?
- ¿Vio a un gato venir corriendo aquí?
You’re to come running, eager to please your queen.
Tienes que venir corriendo, deseosa de complacer a tu reina.
Only don’t come running to me out of loneliness or whatever, like your predecessors.
Pero no empieces a venir corriendo a verme por soledad o lo que sea, como los que estuvieron aquí antes que tú.
“You think the top ob-gyn in Seattle is going to come running?”
—¿Tú crees que la mejor ginecóloga de Seattle va a venir corriendo?
There are enough volunteers to come running to me with accounts of everything that goes on here.
Hay bastantes voluntarios para venir corriendo a contarme todo lo que ocurre aquí.
But all it took was one word from Evie to make him come running.
Pero bastaba una sola palabra de Evie, para hacerlo venir corriendo.
If all else failed, I could come running to you for help.
—Si todo lo demás fallara, podría venir corriendo de vuelta en busca de vuestra ayuda.
You saw him come running up that path to the house after the murder.
Usted lo vió venir corriendo por la senda arriba, hacia la casa, después del asesinato.
Indigo sent back the swift message as she sensed that the wolf was about to come running to her aid.
Índigo envió un rápido mensaje al percibir que la loba estaba a punto de venir corriendo en su ayuda.
I don't know whether I can do anything to help you or not—but somehow my mind was so upset that I had to come running to you.
No sé si podré hacer algo por ayudaros, pero no he podido menos que venir corriendo.
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