Käännös "chart is" espanja
Samankaltaiset kontekstilausekkeet
It’s the baby’s chart.
Es la gráfica del niño.
He’s drawn a chart.
Ha dibujado un gráfico.
Take a look at the chart.
Observen el gráfico.
He hands me a chart.
Me entrega un gráfico.
"I've seen your chart.
He visto tu gráfico;
“The chart held us up.”
El gráfico nos retuvo.
The charts were speaking to them.
Los gráficos les hablaban.
No one was looking at the chart.
Nadie miraba el gráfico.
Biology charts for grades 5 to 10
Tablas de biología, grados 5º a 10º;
There was no personnel chart;
No había una tabla de personal;
I meant the chart, not you.
—Me refería a la tabla, no a ti.
She looked at the chart again.
Revisó de nuevo la tabla.
The height chart is still there.
La tabla de alturas sigue allí.
He writes something down on his chart.
Anota algo en su tabla.
Colin brought the contacts charts.
Colin le llevó las tablas de contactos.
‘The charts, Signore.’ ‘Ah, good,’ he said.
—Las tablas, signore. —Muy bien.
Did you see her metabolic chart?
—¿Has visto su tabla metabólica?
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