Перевод для "verse obligado" на английский
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- Verse obligadas a someterse a ritos de purificación atroces;
- Being forced to undergo horrific cleansing rites
c) Asegurar el derecho de las personas a identificarse con un grupo y a ser distintos sin verse obligados a asimilarse;
(c) To ensure the rights of individuals to identify with the group and to be different without being forced to assimilate;
Al verse obligados a trasladarse, los campesinos, en particular, tienen que abandonarlo todo.
Being forced to move means that peasants in particular have to abandon everything.
389. Cuando se investiga la comisión de un delito por un menor, la Constitución protege a éste de verse obligado a prestar un testimonio autoincriminatorio.
In an inquiry into the commission of an offence by a child, he is protected by the Constitution from being forced to make a self-incriminating statement.
El reclamante presentó también una reclamación por sufrimientos morales como consecuencia de verse obligado a ocultarse.
The claimant also submitted a claim for mental pain and anguish as a result of being forced to hide.
1. El Sr. X, ex Presidente del país A, transfirió millones de dólares a otros países antes de verse obligado a dejar el cargo.
Mr. X, the former President of country A transferred millions of dollars to other countries before being forced from office.
Esa práctica, que se denomina "tutelaje" ("confiage"), a veces se desvía de su objetivo primordial y el niño puede verse obligado a realizar trabajos domésticos.
That practice, which was known as "confiage", could sometimes be subverted for purposes other than its original intention, with children being forced to carry out domestic work.
Ello implicaría el derecho de toda persona a ser quien es sin verse obligada a subordinarse a las normas culturales y religiosas de los demás.
This would entail the right for people to be who they are without being forced to subordinate themselves to the cultural and religious norms of others.
- Verse obligadas a beber el agua que se ha usado para lavar el cuerpo del marido;
- Being forced to drink water used to wash the husband's body
El objetivo es que las personas puedan defenderse sin armas y reconstruir su vida sin verse obligadas a comprometerse de ninguna manera con ninguna de las partes en el conflicto armado.
People should be able to defend themselves without arms and reconstruct their lives without being forced to be involved in any way with any party to the armed conflict.
De verse obligada a adoptar un pequeño camboyano?
Be forced to adopt some kid from Cambodia?
Puede verse obligada a hacerlo con un extraño para acordarse.
She may be forced to shag a stranger to remember.
Nadie debería verse obligado a sufrirla.
No-one should be forced to endure it.
Descartes tiene miedo de verse obligado a huir a Holanda pronto.
Descartes is afraid he'll be forced to flee Holland soon.
Una vez que estén juntos, van a verse obligados a tratar.
Once they're together, they're gonna be forced to deal.
Si la situación empeora, Pueden verse obligados a intervenir.
If the situation worsens, we may be forced to step in.
- Ah puede verse obligados a duelo verdad establecidas para gobernar?
♪ You may be forced to duel ♪ Did you set out to rule? - ♪ Ah
Va a verse obligado a utilizar otros medios de persuasión.
So he'll be forced to use some other means of persuasion.
Y se trata de... verse obligados a dejar atrás el pasado
And it's about um... being forced to let go of the past
Pueden verse obligados a pagar al enemigo un rescate en armas.
You could be forced to pay my adversary a ransom in weapons.
¿Verse obligada a ingerir comida en el suelo?
Being forced to eat food off the floor?
Y él odiaba verse obligado a ponerla en aquella situación.
He hated being forced to take it from her.
Nuestro pueblo tendrá miedo al verse obligado a abandonar sus tierras.
Our people will be frightened at being forced off their land.
- Porque esperaba obtener el dinero sin verse obligado a entrar en acción.
Because they hoped to get the money without being forced to action.
Desafortunadamente, eso significaba verse obligado a contemplar la irritante cara de Alastair.
Unfortunately, this meant being forced to behold Alastair’s irritating face.
—¿Un fracaso igual que verse obligada a destituir a Silviana? —preguntó Egwene—.
"As much a failure as being forced to remove Silviana?" Egwene asked.
El verse obligado a tener aprendices explicaba mucho el comportamiento del Maestro Lemuel.
Being forced to take apprentices explained a lot about Master Lemuel.
Pierre frunció el entrecejo, inquieto por verse obligado a formular una predicción en firme.
Pierre frowned, uncomfortable about being forced to a firm prediction.
—El emperador puso una mueca de asco al verse obligado a pronunciar aquella palabra humana.
The emperor grimaced at being forced to speak the human word.
¿Verse obligada a resucitar a Thiago?
Be forced to resurrect Thiago?
Es lo más terrible que uno puede verse obligado a hacer.
That's the most terrible thing anybody can be forced to do."
No tardarían en verse obligados a darse la vuelta y combatir.
Soon they would be forced to turn and fight.
Verse obligado a presenciar su horripilante aspecto es ya un castigo de por sí.
To be forced to see their hideousness is itself a punishment.
Conocer el futuro es verse obligado a abandonar la esperanza.
To know the future is to be forced to abandon hope.
Bastante tiene ya con verse obligada a caminar con botas.
It’s quite enough that you should be forced to walk in riding-boots.
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