Перевод для "tan imprescindible" на английский
Tan imprescindible
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El Comité para el ejercicio de los derechos inalienables del pueblo palestino y su Mesa han dedicado muchas reflexiones a la forma de cumplir el mandato del Comité en la forma más eficaz y provechosa, no sólo a fin de fortalecer la solidaridad internacional con el pueblo palestino para llevar a la práctica la realización de sus derechos inalienables, sino también para revitalizar el espíritu de reconciliación y cooperación que es tan imprescindible para el logro de una solución duradera.
The Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People and its Bureau have devoted much thought to ways in which to implement the mandate of the Committee in the most effective and useful manner, in order not only to strengthen international solidarity with the Palestinian people to bring about the realization of its inalienable rights but also to revitalize the spirit of reconciliation and cooperation that is so essential to the achievement of a lasting solution.
Y, no obstante, la verdad nos es tan imprescindible que pagamos su pérdida con penosas enfermedades.
And yet the truth is so essential that its loss exacts a heavy toll, in the form of grave illness.
Se quejaba de su hijo; decía que le apenaba con su mala conducta, que aunque naturalmente no había que tomarse demasiado en serio las travesuras de semejante muchacho (evidentemente, trataba de excusarle) había decidido castigarlo, amedrentarlo un poco mandándole una temporada a la aldea bajo tutela de Ijménev. El príncipe escribía que confiaba plenamente en «su buenísimo y nobilísimo Nikolái Sergueich y, sobre todo, en Anna Andréievna», y les rogaba a los dos que acogieran a aquel veleta en su familia, que durante su retiro le abrieran los ojos, que le amaran, a ser posible, pero que, ante todo, corrigieran su irreflexivo carácter y «le inculcaran esas normas estrictas y salvadoras, tan imprescindibles en la vida del hombre».
He complained of his son, said that the boy was grieving him by his misconduct, that of course the pranks of such a lad were not to be taken too seriously (he was obviously trying to justify him), but that he had made up his mind to punish his son, to frighten him; in fact, to send him for some time into the country in charge of Nikolay Sergeyitch. The prince wrote that he was reckoning absolutely on "his kind-hearted, generous Nikolay Sergeyitch, and even more upon Anna Andreyevna." He begged them both to receive the young scapegrace into their family, to teach him sense in solitude, to be fond of him if they could, and above all, to correct his frivolous character "by instilling the strict and salutary principles so essential to the conduct of life."
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