Перевод для "tan definido" на английский
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Las letras están tan definidas.
The lettering is so defined.
*Me gustaria quedarme entre mi gente* *relacion ahora no significa nada* *habiendo escogido tan definido* *y si la muerte debiera oler mi aliento* *mientras pasa bajo mi ventana* *deja que me diriga temblando, temblando*
* I wish to stay among my people * * relation now means nothing * * having chosen so defined * * and if death should smell my breathing * * as it pass beneath my window * * let it lead me trembling, trembling *
De todos modos, ahora que había comenzado, esta pasión debía continuar, la pasión de Ursula por conocer su ser máximo, limitado y tan definido por oposición a él.
Nevertheless, it was begun now, this passion, and must go on, the passion of Ursula to know her own maximum self, limited and so defined against him.
De repente he tenido claro, Yair, que tu vida es tan regular y está tan definida, que no vas a poder encontrar en ella ni tan siquiera un lugar para mí.
As I looked at this piece of paper in front of me, it became so clear, Yair, that your life is truly so stable, so defined, that you weren’t able to find any room in it for me, either.
En ese momento comenzó a tener credibilidad propia. Regresó el hombre que le había parecido tan negro, tan definido, tan palpable, en el agua mercurial.
She began from that moment to have credibility of her own: he came back, the man who had appeared so black, so defined, so substantial from out of water running mercurial with light.
El doctor Urbino trataba de convencerla, con argumentos fáciles de entender por quien quisiera entenderlos, de que aquel accidente no se repetía a diario por descuido suyo, como ella insistía, sino por una razón orgánica: su manantial de joven era tan definido y directo, que en el colegio había ganado torneos de puntería para llenar botellas, pero con los usos de la edad no sólo fue decayendo, sino que se hizo oblicuo, se ramificaba, y se volvió por fin una fuente de fantasía imposible de dirigir, a pesar de los muchos esfuerzos que él hacía por enderezarlo.
Dr. Urbino tried to convince her, with arguments readily understandable to anyone who wished to understand them, that the mishap was not repeated every day through carelessness on his part, as she insisted, but because of organic reasons: as a young man his stream was so defined and so direct that when he was at school he won contests for marksmanship in filling bottles, but with the ravages of age it was not only decreasing, it was also becoming oblique and scattered, and had at last turned into a .fantastic fountain, impossible to control despite his many efforts to direct it.
Creo que nuestro concepto de pareja no está tan definido como antes.
I think our notion of couples is not as defined as it was back in your time.
Tan definida por la pérdida como por la esperanza.
FINCH: As defined by loss as it is by hope.
Ésa era una tarea que podía llevar a cabo, tan definida como fregar un plato.
A task I could complete, as defined as washing a dish.
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