Перевод для "modo regular" на английский
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Sin el carnet de trabajo les resultaba imposible ganarse la vida de un modo regular.
Without work permits, it was impossible for them to earn their living regularly.
Era obvio que un pajarito le había estado informando de un modo regular... pero aquel pajarito era un mentiroso.
Obviously a little bird had reported to him regularly—but that bird was a liar.
Otra se la entregaba al empleado paquistaní de Reuters que volaba de modo regular a Peshawar e Islamabad.
I gave another copy to Reuters’ Pakistani staffer who regularly flew to Peshawar and Islamabad.
sin duda, a los lomos del Grimorium Verum y de la Turba Philosophorum se les habría quitado el polvo de modo regular.
no doubt the Grimorium Verum and the Turba Philosophorum would have been dusted down their spines regularly.
Llevaba una especie de camisón blanco que Clary no había visto nunca, y respiraba de un modo regular y tranquilo.
She wore a sort of white nightdress Clary had never seen, and she was breathing regularly and quietly.
Me paseo de modo regular por los bazares de armas de Oriente Próximo buscando una respuesta a las mismas preguntas de siempre.
I regularly prowled the arms bazaars of the Middle East, seeking an answer to the same old questions.
Los gusanos prácticamente son lo único que las octoarañas comen de modo regular, y que no obtiene su energía primaria de los fotones.
Worms are about the only thing the octospiders eat regularly that does not get its primary energy from photons.
Así sería su vida de ahora en adelante: una vez estuviera en la nave, un ooloi lo iría drogando de modo regular.
That would be his life now. Once he was aboard the ship, one ooloi would drug him regularly.
Colgó el instrumento unos minutos más tarde, perplejo al descubrir que, aparentemente, había prometido escribir de modo regular.
He put the instrument down a few minutes later, baffled to find that he had apparently promised to write regularly.
Permanecieron sentados, rígidos, mientras el coche avanzaba, con las ruedas vibrando de modo regular sobre los rezumantes pliegues de cemento.
They sat stiffly in the car as it rolled down the road, its tires thumping regularly over the oozing expansion joints in the concrete.
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