Перевод для "llaneza" на английский
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Esto lo expresa, si bien con llaneza muy distinta de los elegantes giros ciceronianos de Grocio, el adagio latino harto conocido según el cual donde hay sociedad necesariamente hay derecho, ubi societas ibi jus.
This is also clearly expressed, with a simplicity that contrasts with Grotius' Ciceronian turns of phrase, in the Latin adage -- which I believe everyone is familiar with -- ubi societas ibi jus.
Fuerza y llaneza irradiaban de la callosa palma del gigante.
Strength and simplicity flowed from the giant’s toil-hardened palm.
Poseía la intrepidez, llaneza y tosquedad de los nativos de la comarca, pero con algo más de inteligencia y educación.
He had all the hardiness, simplicity, and ruggedness of the Tonto natives, and somewhat more of intelligence and schooling.
Delia Priam se acercó a Ellery, le tomó las manos, lo miró a los ojos, y le dijo, con llaneza: —Gracias, Ellery.
Delia Priam came to him and took his hands and looked into his eyes and said, with simplicity, “Thank you, Ellery.
Adoptaría su acento del norte junto con un aire de informada llaneza que, por inesperado que fuera, cautivaría a toda clase de personas normalmente contrarias a sus opiniones literarias o políticas.
He would assume his North Country accent, together with an air of informed simplicity, that would charm all kind of unexpected persons, normally in hearty disagreement with his literary or political opinions.
Su reducción a un punto avivaba en tal forma su ámbito, que quizá el coro de muchachas y amigos no hubiera alcanzado nunca esa presencia de calidad si no estuviese a su lado escuchándolo, disfrutando de esa llaneza en la luz siempre despierta, pues lo inundaba una especie de cuña de esclarecimiento que donde quiera penetraba como una astilla capaz de comunicar una salud y un esplendor que se iban propagando como el ser substancial que transmite un procesional.
His reduction to a point enlivened his circle in such a way that perhaps the chorus of girls and friends around him would never have achieved that appearance of quality if they had not been at his side listening to him, in their simplicity enjoying the light that is always lit, for he was like a wedge of brightness that penetrated where it wanted, like a spark able to pass on health and splendor that were propagated like the tangible essence transmitted by a procession.
y, mientras la sorprendida doncella se incorpora llena de sobresalto y cubre la desnudez de sus hombros con una honesta casquilla de lienzo, admirarás la llaneza señorial de unos gestos que, desmintiendo la humildad de los hábitos, venden con claridad meridiana la altura y limpieza de su abolengo: púdicamente ocultará el oro de sus cabellos tras una graciosísima monterilla y, bajando decorosamente la vista y privándote a ti de la de sus ojos inigualables, permanecerá callada y confusa, en una actitud recogida que, ajena a toda idea lasciva, proclama la integridad de su crédito
and as the startled damsel timorously rises to her feet and covers the bareness of her shoulders with a simple home-spun shawl, you will admire the regal simplicity of her gestures, which, belying her humble garb, betray with a clarity as bright as the noonday sun the nobility and purity of her ancestry: she will modestly tuck the gold of her hair beneath a little rustic cap, and decorously lowering her gaze and thus preventing you from glimpsing her incomparable eyes, she will sit there, silent and perplexed, in an attitude of modest, shy reserve, which, being far removed from any sort of lustful thoughts, proclaims the integrity of her person and her credit in the eyes of others
Aún así, muchas mujeres bhutanesas, especialmente las jóvenes, se muestran reticentes a hablar en público, aunque es común que en privado discutan con llaneza los problemas con sus esposos o parientes varones.
Even so, many Bhutanese women, especially young women, remain reticent to speak in public, although it is common for them to discuss issues informally with their husbands or male relatives in private.
El objetivo había sido estudiar con mayor precisión los componentes del Programa de Acción e introducir en el proceso un elemento de mayor llaneza y de futura interacción.
The objective was to achieve a sharper focus on specific components of the Programme of Action, and to inject into the process an element of informality and further interaction.
He querido dirigirme a ustedes esta tarde para decirles... con toda llaneza... el propósito de mi misión en este país.
'I have been asked here this evening to tell you quite informally' 'the purpose of my mission to this country.'
Lockhart había hablado con una resolución llena de confianza, con una llaneza más íntima y familiar, lo que constituía una novedad en sus relaciones mutuas.
Lockhart had spoken with a kind of informal resolution which was a new thing in their relationship.
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