Перевод для "las esposas eran" на английский
Las esposas eran
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the wives were
Como las esposas solían ser consideradas propiedad de sus maridos, éstos suponían que esta subordinación de la esposa traía consigo el derecho implícito a abusar de ella.
Since wives were often considered to be the husband's property, husbands assumed that the subordinate status of their wives carried with it the implicit right to abuse them.
Las esposas son reacias a interponer acciones judiciales por temor a perder a sus esposos o a ser censuradas por la familia.
Wives were reluctant to take action for fear of losing their husbands or being blamed by the family.
Pregunta cuántas esposas se permite que un hombre tenga con arreglo al derecho consuetudinario y en las uniones de hecho, y si todas las esposas tienen los mismos derechos.
She wondered how many wives were allowed under customary law and in de facto unions and whether all wives had the same rights.
Las esposas eran jóvenes y rusas;
The wives were young and Russian;
Los favoritos y las esposas eran enemigos tradicionales.
Favorites and wives were traditional antagonists.
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