Перевод для "maridos eran" на английский
Maridos eran
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Примеры перевода
El asesinato de una mujer por su marido y la violencia contra el marido por parte de su mujer ya no se consideran excusables bajo ninguna circunstancia.
Murder of a woman by her husband, and violence by a woman against her husband were no longer excusable in any circumstances.
Ella y su marido eran filántropos activos y parece ser que drogadictos de primera.
She and her husband were active philanthropists and apparently world-class drug addicts.
Su padre y mi marido eran socios en algunos negocios.
Your father and my husband were business partners.
¿Usted dijo que Gerald y su marido eran colegas? Atlas MacDowell.
You said Gerald and your husband were colleagues? Mm-hmm. Atlas MacDowell.
Edgar Horvet y su marido eran buenos amigos?
Edgar Horvet and your husband were good friends?
Hace 15 años, mi padre y tu marido eran amigos
"15 years ago, my father and her husband were friends."
Ella y su marido eran clientes muy buenos.
She and her husband were very good customers.
Muchos de mis maridos eran gays.
Lots of my husbands were gay.
Nos hicimos amigos tras la muerte de mi marido. Eran socios en unos negocios en Sudáfrica.
He and my late husband were partners in a South African venture.
Así que ella estaba al tanto de que usted y su marido eran...
So she was aware that you and her husband were...
Sus maridos eran muy exitosos.
Their husbands were very successful.
Ella y su marido eran inseparables.
She and her husband were inseparable.
Sus maridos eran leñadores y tenderos.
Their husbands were lumberjacks and storekeepers.
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