Перевод для "la pusieron" на английский
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También pusieron música y comenzaron a bailar.
They also put on some music and started dancing.
Me pusieron una bolsa sobre la cabeza.
They put a bag over my head.
Ya en 1986 se pusieron en práctica medidas y programas con esos fines.
Policies and programmes were put into effect as early as 1986.
En 2011 esos instrumentos se pusieron a prueba.
In 2011 those instruments were put into test.
Las abreviaturas se añadieron y se pusieron en orden alfabético
Abbreviations added and put into alphabetical order
Nos pusieron en una bañera con agua helada.
They put us in a tub with cold water.
Los pusieron en dos habitaciones, cinco en cada una.
They were put in two rooms, five in each room.
Pusieron a dos monos en jaulas, una al lado de la otra.
They put two monkeys in cages next to each other.
Y los pusieron juntos.
They put it together.
Se pusieron los guantes.
They put their gloves on.
Lo pusieron todo ahí.
They put it all in there.
—Pero no tanto como cuando te los pusieron.
“Not as much as when he put them in,”
Se pusieron las aletas.
They both put on their fins.
—Aquí es donde nos pusieron.
“This is where they put us.”
Lo pusieron a trabajar.
They put him to work.
Me pusieron las esposas.
They put handcuffs on me.
Se pusieron las gafas.
They each put on the glasses.
Ellos la pusieron ahí.
Well, they put that over there.
Luego la pusieron atrás.
And then they put her in the back.
- Ellos la pusieron.
- They put the top on.
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