Перевод для "incluso de ir" на английский
Incluso de ir
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even to go
No cuentan con que hay personas capaces de todo, ¡incluso de ir a la ópera!
-They are not aware there are people ready to do everything, even to go the opera!
A continuación Herbert comentó que les costaba Dios y ayuda que su nieta se arreglase incluso para ir a la iglesia.
and Herbert was remarking that it was as much as anyone could do to get their own granddaughter to clean up even to go to church.
Se hizo tarde incluso para ir a la cama, así que preparamos café y nos sentamos bajo el árbol.
It got too late even to go to bed so we made some fresh coffee and sat down under the tree.
Antes incluso de ir al hotel he bajado al paseo marítimo, me he dejado caer en una silla blanca y he cerrado los ojos hacia el sol;
Even before going to the hotel, I went to the boardwalk, sat down on a white chair, and closed my eyes to the sun in front of me—and began to wonder what a person in my situation should do with such a week, such an ultimate week.
Los Estados gozaban de cierto margen para el cumplimiento de sus obligaciones en materia de derechos humanos e incluso podían ir más allá de esos límites si lo deseaban.
States enjoyed a degree of latitude in implementing their human rights obligations and could even go beyond them if they so wished.
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