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No obstante, las mujeres se mantenían en lugares separados y tal vez hayan sufrido heridas, puesto que el agricultor oyó cuando gritaban.
The women, however, were kept separate and might have been harmed, as the farmer heard them screaming.
Los gerentes habían presenciado cómo los empleados arrastraban a las víctimas -- que pateaban y gritaban -- a la cámara frigorífica, pero no habían tomado medidas para detenerlos.
Managers witnessed employees dragging their victims kicking and screaming into the refrigerator, but they took no action to stop this conduct.
Los hombres comenzaron a golpear a todos los que estaban en la residencia, incluso un niño, y gritaban insultos.
The men started beating everyone inside, including a child, and were screaming insults.
Los niños gritaban y uno de ellos me pidió que me alejara corriendo porque temía que resultara herido.
The children were screaming and one of them asked me to run away because he was afraid I would get hurt.
Discutían y gritaban.
There's yelling and screaming.
Y cómo gritaban.
Oh, how they screamed.
Gritaban como bestias.
They screamed like beasts.
Y todos gritaban!
And everyone was screaming!
Los niños gritaban.
The children were screaming.
Gritaban en alemán.
They were screaming in German.
Las chicas gritaban...
Girls were screaming...
Algunas personas gritaban.
Some people, they were screaming.
No era de las que gritaban.
Not the screaming kind.
Claro que gritaban.
Of course they screamed.
Y las mujeres gritaban.
And the women screamed.
gritaban los estudiantes.
screamed the students.
Los muertos gritaban.
They were screaming.
Gritaban y gritaban hasta que el ruido la despertó y se incorporó, jadeando.
They screamed and they screamed, until the noise woke her and she sat up, panting.
Los locutores gritaban.
Speakers were screaming.
Las mujeres gritaban.
Women were screaming.
Durante la visita, el autor oyó que varias de ellas decían o gritaban "no más extranjeros".
During the visit, the author heard several of them both say and shout: "No more foreigners".
Según uno de los testigos musulmanes, también los judíos gritaban frases hostiles.
According to one of the Muslim witnesses, the Jews also shouted hostile slogans.
Hay que señalar que los estudiantes llevaban banderas griegas y gritaban consignas en favor de la ENOSIS (anexión de Chipre a Grecia).
It is significant that the students were carrying Greek flags and shouting slogans in favour of ENOSIS (annexation of Cyprus to Greece).
Los que le interrogaban gritaban palabras obscenas, le insultaban y le humillaban.
Those who questioned him, shouted sexual words, insulted and humiliated him.
Otros agresores gritaban desde fuera "¡volved a vuestra casa!", así como otros eslóganes de carácter ofensivo.
Other attackers outside the house shouted "go home!", as well as other slogans of an offensive nature.
Los opositores al proyecto gritaban, según la prensa nacional e internacional, "Ninguna mezquita de ninguna manera".
According to national and international press agencies, opponents of the project shouted "No mosque under any circumstances".
Algunos de los colonos gritaban "Esta es nuestra tierra" y "Mueran los árabes". (Ha'aretz, 1º de octubre)
Some of the settlers shouted "This is our land" and "Slaughter the Arabs". (Ha'aretz, 1 October)
Todos gritaban y chillaban.
Everyone yelled and shouted.
Gritaban y maldecían.
they shouted and cursed.
[Hombres que gritaban] [murmura]
Gritaban de alegría.
They shouted with joy.
Gritaban y, filmaban.
They were shouting and filming.
Había policías que gritaban.
They're shouting police commands.
¡Gritaban y cantaban!
They shouted and sang!
Todos me gritaban, "Seun!
People shouted, "Seun!
Gritaban y las escuché.
They shouted and listened.
Gritaban: "¡Maldita su sangre!"
Shouting "Damn your bloods!
Otros también gritaban.
Others were shouting.
se gritaban el uno al otro.
They shouted to each other.
Algunos le gritaban;
Some in the crowd shouted at him.
Se gritaban los unos a los otros y a ella.
They shouted at each other, and at her.
gritaban los sargentos—.
the sergeants shouted.
gritaban los observadores—.
the watchers shouted.
«¡Proscrito!» gritaban.
‘Outlaw!’ they shouted.
le pareció que gritaban.
They seemed to be shouting.
Es Winston, gritaban.
"It's Winston," they'd cry. "Winston's on his feet."
"Y se tiraron polvo en la cabeza, y gritaban..."
"And they threw dust on their heads and were crying out,"
Hubo una banda, todos gritaban, los perros ladraban, mi madre lloraba.
The band was playing, everybody hollering, my mother crying.
¿No gritaban "Viva el rey" en otro tiempo?
Did they not sometimes cry, "All hail!" to me?
La multitud gritaban por acción de un tumulto.
The crowd were crying out for mob action.
Y las chicas gritaban cuando pasaba
And the girls all cry as I pass by
De hecho gritaban seguido desde la multitud, "¡Súbanlo!"
In fact, often the cry come on from the crowds, "Turn it up!"
Al principio gritaban y rogaban pidiendo agua.
First the birds eat up the flies. and then ... At first they scream and cry and ask for water.
gritaban–. ¡Hay algo en nuestro cuarto!
they were crying, "there's something in our room!"
Unos gritaban ánimos al sombrero;
Some were crying for the hat;
¡Ay, ay, el pintor! —gritaban—.
'Ooh, the painter!' they would cry.
Todos gritaban, y Sansa estaba llorando.
Everyone else was yelling as well, and Sansa was crying.
¡No frenes, Danny!, gritaban todos.
Do the bump, Danny! they’d all cry out.
Para los hombres, era cuestión de honor, y no gritaban.
It was a point of honour with them not to cry out.
Gritaban y vitoreaban, desechando yos.
They were crying and cheering, discarding I's.
A la vez que le gritaban: "Eres un traidor, un terrorista", intentaban hacerle callar introduciéndole un trapo sucio en la boca.
While yelling "you are a traitor, you are a terrorist", they tried to silence Mr. Savda by shoving a dirty gap in his mouth.
En su segunda declaración dijo que dos niñas habían ido a su apartamento y ambas le gritaban.
In his second statement he said that two girls had come to his flat and both were yelling at him.
Los prisioneros que estaban en el hangar oyeron que los guardias gritaban: "Llamen a la policía, los prisioneros están escapando".
The prisoners who were in the hangar heard the guards yell: "Call the police, they're escaping".
La demandante alegó que la Autoridad de Financiación de la Vivienda había creado un entorno laboral hostil en el que otros empleados le gritaban y hablaban en español en su presencia.
The plaintiff claims that the Housing Finance Authority created a hostile working environment in which other employees yelled at her and talked about her in Spanish in her presence.
Los testigos declararon que los jóvenes, mientras lo perseguían, gritaban "¡matarlo, matarlo!", al tiempo que proferían insultos racistas.
Witnesses claim that the two teenagers were yelling "kill him, kill him" along with racial slurs as they chased him.
No lamentamos nada, porque ellos [los timorenses] se oponían a nosotros, estaban realizando una manifestación e incluso gritaban cosas contra el Gobierno.
“We don't regret anything because they [the Timorese] were opposing us, demonstrating, even yelling things against the government.
Gritaban, "aletas". Escucha...
They yell, "fins."
Gritaban en español.
They yelled in spanish.
Y todos gritaban: "¡¿Qué?
And everybody was yelling...
Gritaban, lastimaban, quemaban.
Yelling, hurting, burning.
No, Ari. Gritaban:
They yelled " Harry, Harry."
¿Sobre que gritaban?
What were they yelling about?
Y me gritaban...
And he'd yell up to me:
Todos me gritaban.
Everyone was yelling at me.
Gritaban para que les sirvieran, se gritaban unos a otros, gritaban pidiendo la cuenta.
They yelled for food, they yelled at each other, they yelled for the bill.
—le gritaban los vecinos—.
the neighbors yelled.
Las mujeres también gritaban.
The women were yelling.
Los pastores gritaban.
The drivers were yelling.
—nos gritaban los soldados.
soldiers yelled at us.
Los bandidos y los nilfgaardianos gritaban.
The bandits and Nilfgaardians yelled.
Los hombres señalaban y gritaban.
Men pointed and yelled.
Gritaban en desafío a la Sombra.
They yelled in defiance of the Shadow.
Muchos ni siquiera gritaban cuando eran abatidos.
Most didn’t even cry out as they were cut down.
No gritaban eternamente con esa voz grandiosa y monótona.
They did not cry out forever in a great, dull voice.
Reían y gritaban algo a un grupo de transeúntes.
They shouted out something to a group of people on the street, laughing.
Por todas partes, había marineros que gritaban de rabia y terror.
Everywhere sailors shouted out their anger and terror.
Porque ahora los científicos gritaban, gesticulaban, lanzaban exclamaciones.
Because the scientists were now shouting out, gesturing, interjecting.
Helicaón y Zidantas gritaban órdenes y la Janto danzaba sobre las olas.
Helikaon and Zidantas shouted out orders, and the Xanthos danced on the waves.
Y todos reían; y todos gritaban: "Euan, euan, eu-oi-oi-oi".
And everybody was laughing: and everybody was shouting out, “Euan, euan, eu-oi-oi-oi.”
Gritaban el nombre del vencedor, que alzaba su trofeo para que pudieran verlo.
They shouted out the name of the lucky man, who raised his trophy high over his head for all to see.
Antes de entrar gritaban: "¿Hay alguien en casa?", y abrían fuego.
They were calling: "Who is in the house?"
Calificar de "violentos" a los manifestantes pacíficos turcochipriotas porque estaban tocando "música a todo volumen" y usaban "altoparlantes" y gritaban "consignas" es desconocer el significado de la palabra "violento" o ser incapaz de tolerar siquiera la presencia de turcochipriotas como una comunidad que vive y respira.
To call the peaceful Turkish Cypriot demonstrators "violent" on the grounds that they played "loud music" and used "speakers" and "slogans" is either not knowing the meaning of the word "violent" or being unable to tolerate even the presence of the Turkish Cypriots as a living and breathing community.
Y, mientras pasaba, gritaban: "¡Jo ming!
And as it passed, they called, "Jo ming!
—se gritaban unos a otros.
they called to each other.
Otros nos gritaban: «¡Fracasados!».
A few called us “losers.”
Entonces oí que gritaban mi nombre.
Then I heard my name called.
Los demás gritaban: ¡Vamos, vamos!
The others were calling: Come on, come on!
Pero los vecinos no gritaban, se mantenían a la expectativa.
But the neighbours did not call out, maintained an attitude of reserve.
En las curvas cerradas, los zambus gritaban «¡Hop!
On the tight corners, the Zambus called out, "Hoop!
Algunas personas le gritaban palabras que no entendía.
People called out to him words he did not understand.
Desde la otra acera, unos jóvenes le gritaban cosas:
Across the street young men were calling out to her:
Algunas mujeres le gritaban desde la escalinata, censurándola.
Some women on the steps were calling out, upbraiding her.
Los desconocidos le gritaban «Eid mubarak» al pasar.
Strangers called out "Eid mubarak" to her as they passed.
Muchas me gritaban «¡Ven con nosotras!» o «¡Ven al bulteok!»;
Many of them called out, “Join us” or “Come to the bulteok.”
Cantaban, hacían payasadas y gritaban obscenidades a la gente.
They sang and clowned and called out broad jests to the people.
Tras ella, los soldados gritaban y seguían disparando flechas.
Behind her, the soldiers called out, nocking more arrows.
Gritaban: "¡Volvamos a la naturaleza!".
They kept hollering, "Back to nature!"
Y nos gritaban: "! Lo vais a lamentar!"
And they were all hollering, "You're gonna be sorry!" You know?
- Y nuestros padres nos gritaban.
And our parents hollered at us.
Vueltas a casa a eso de la medianoche, gritaban y daban portazos.
Come home around midnight, they'd be hollering and banging doors.
Tambaleaba en el avión y todos gritaban "Párenlo.
Staggered all over the plane. Everybody be hollering : "Stop him !
Ahora debatía guiones con tipos que gritaban palabrotas.
And here's these guys hollering foul language in the middle of story meetings.
hombres que gritaban para hacerse oír.
men hollering to be heard.
No salían a la carga, y no gritaban ni aullaban.
    They did not charge, and did not holler and hoot.
Se atropellaban junto a la puerta y gritaban y se daban puñetazos entre sí.
They slammed through the front door and hollered and bumped into each other.
Para el final de su número, los espectadores aullaban y gritaban como borrachos en un cabaré.
By the end of her dance, the audience was hooting and hollering like drunks at a burlesque show.
Un hombre y una mujer se gritaban el uno al otro mientras ponía usted discos en el jukebox.
Man and woman were hollering at each other and you were playing the jukebox.
"Los turcos gritaban como lobos."
"The Turks were howling like wolves."
Los demás gritaban protestando.
The bandits below howled in protest.
gritaban y gemían, frustrados, ni por asomo cuerdos.
they howled with frustration and madness.
Los pasajeros gritaban de nerviosismo y de miedo.
the passengers started to hoot and howl with excitement and fear.
Los cerdos estaban amontonados. ¡Cómo gritaban! ¡Cómo gruñían!
The pigs were all crowded together, and how they were shrieking!
Las mujeres pensaban que estaba bien muerto y gritaban de alegría.
Women thought it was dead good - positively shrieked with delight...
gritaban las damas.
the ladies shrieked.
Los hechiceros nos gritaban.
The wizards shrieked at us.
Le gritaban al bulto.
They shrieked at the struggling lump.
Los colores te gritaban.
Colors shrieked at you.
Los niños bailaban y gritaban.
Children dancing and shrieking.
Los látigos restallaban y los hombres gritaban.
Whips cracked and men shrieked.
Más allá, gritaban voces infantiles.
Down the street, childish voices shrieked.
Aullaban y gritaban pateando el piso.
They were wailing and shrieking and pounding the floor.
Fueran como fueran las machaconas voces... que gritaban por los altavoces de Europa Central... o las máquinas que giraban en las fábricas de armamento... el regreso de lord Marchmain era el asunto más importante entre el vecindario.
Whatever harsh voices might be bawling into the microphones of Central Europe and whatever lathes spinning in the armament factories the return of Lord Marchmain took presence in his own neighborhood.
Los chicos se peleaban y los que los cuidaban gritaban.
minders bawled and kids rioted.
En la noche gritaban el nombre de una estación.
A voice in the darkness bawled the name of a station.
—¡Horrible catástrofe!—gritaban ambos mientras corrían por Wellington—.
"Dreadful catastrophe!" They bawled one to the other down Wellington Street.
Estaban todos cantando; batían palmas y gritaban en triunfo la canción de la Mujer del Cielo:
They were all singing and clapping, bawling the song of the Sky Woman in triumph——
Los oficiales —o lo que Malus supuso que eran oficiales— les gritaban órdenes a los pestilentes tripulantes para que volvieran al trabajo.
Officers — or what Malus presumed to be officers — bawled commands at the pestilent crew, ordering them back to work.
Centenares de hombres de Kent gritaban el nombre de Cade, como si con su rabia pudiesen resucitarlo de entre los muertos.
Hundreds of Kentish men bawled Cade’s name, as if they could bring him back from the dead with sheer rage.
El 13 de octubre de 2011, unas 1.000 personas se manifestaron frente a la Embajada mientras gritaban consignas ofensivas.
On 13 October 2011, some 1,000 persons protested in front of the Embassy and chanted insulting slogans.
En Ciudad de Gaza unos 5.000 alumnos secundarios que gritaban "muerte al criminal" (el Primer Ministro Benjamin Netanyahu) quemaron una bandera isrealí.
In Gaza City, some 5,000 high school students chanted "death to the criminal" (Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu) and burned an Israel flag.
Eso es lo que los manifestantes gritaban durante la Primavera Árabe.
That's what the protesters chanted during the Arab Spring.
Pero gritaban por mí.
But they were chanting for me.
Muhammad Ali se fue del centro de reclutamiento... vitoreado por sus seguidores, que gritaban:
Muhammad Ali left the induction centre... to the cheers of supporters chanting...
—¡Doul! —gritaban los hombres y mujeres de Armada—.
‘Doul!’ the men and women of Armada chanted.
Los estudiantes todavía cantaban cuando ellos se levantaron para marcharse. —Dottore! Dottore! —gritaban—.
The students were still chanting when they rose to leave. “Dottore! Dottore!”
¡Hazzard! —gritaban al unísono cien mil gargantas. ¡Falkenstein! ¡Hansen! ¡Hazzard!
Hazzard!” a hundred thousand throats chanted. “Falkenstein! Hansen! Hazzard!”
Me había contado que, en aquel tiempo, uno de los lemas que se gritaban era «Un colono, una bala».
He had told me that one of the chants at the time had been “One settler, one bullet.”
—Eso es lo que somos —gritaban—.
“That’s what we are,” they bellowed.
Gritaban con voces de adultos.
They bellowed in adult voices.
Dilbar y Akemi gritaban órdenes a sus hombres.
Dilbar and Akemi were bellowing orders at their men.
Los aurigas se gritaban unos a otros para despejar el puente, pero Oneub era el que gritaba más fuerte de todos ellos.
The charioteers were bellowing at each other to clear the bridge, but Doog bellowed loudest of them all.
Los soldados los habían visto, y gritaban hacia el interior.
The soldiers had seen them, and were bellowing at the open door.
Los que apoyaban a Férax le gritaban con rabia que estaba cediendo terreno.
Those supporting Ferax bellowed with rage that he was retreating.
Se cruzaron con Tyson y sus cíclopes, que gritaban: «¡Perro malo!
They passed Tyson and his Cyclopes, who were bellowing, ‘Bad dog!
Gritaban y silbaban en filas, como una avenida emplumada.
The birds bark and whistle in rows, like a plumed avenue.
Empujaban a la gente y gritaban toda clase de instrucciones contradictorias.
They were shoving people and barking all sorts of contradictory instructions.
Pero en el baño había instructores y encargados que nos gritaban órdenes mientras nos duchábamos.
But there the DIs and handlers were in the head, barking orders while we showered.
Tardes ronroneantes de prácticas en el hospital, entre estudiantes que se equivocaban y a los que gritaban cansados profesores clínicos.
Droning afternoons of hospital demonstrations, among stumbling students barked at by tired clinical professors.
Oí que gritaban «Stoi» y vi un par de pantalones de combate de sarga delante de mi cara.
I heard a barked “Stoi” and saw a pair of serge combat trousers ahead of my face.
Los espectadores gritaban de alegría y les aclamaban.
The groundlings whooped and cheered them.
Los guerreros gritaban y brincaban agitando las flechas.
             The warriors whooped and jumped, rattling their darts.
Los guerreros gritaban vítores y daban vueltas a la luz del fuego.
Warriors whooped and cavorted in the firelight.
Los jinetes, que cabalgaban uno junto al otro, gritaban y reían en una vorágine de capas largas.
Side by side the riders streaked on by, whooping and laughing, their long cloaks streaming behind.
Las voces clamorosas que gritaban desde abajo le confirmaban que estaba despierto.
The loud voices now clamoring from below assured him he was awake.
No podía hablar esa noche, no podía cuando dos voces gritaban en su interior.
She could not speak tonight, not when there were two voices clamoring in her.
Los recuerdos de voces gritaban en su interior, y en su mente veía unos rostros que oscilaban nuevos y excitantes en torno al fuego.
Memories of voices clamored for recognition. Faces around the fire hovered new and exciting at the edges of his mind.
De las barbacoas de carne surgían espesas nubes de humo, como si fueran casas en llamas, y había jóvenes que susurraban «hachís» y aguadores con trajes típicos que gritaban: «¡Foto!
Bil ows of gril ed-meat smoke gusted thick as houses on fire, teenage boys whispered “hashish,” and costumed water-sel ers clamored “Photo!
Contemplaba a esos muchachos mientras jugaban, reñían y gritaban, y por primera vez en su vida pensó que deseaba tener un hijo propio.
He stared at all those lads of his brothers’, and he watched them as they played and quarrelled and clamored, and it came to him suddenly for the first time in his life that he wished he had a son of his own, too.
Se mostraba crítico con los niños negros que gritaban y reían por el pasillo del tren.
He was critical of the black boys hooting and laughing in the corridor of the train.
y todos los chicos que no podían permitirse comprar en la rienda gritaban «David Faux» cuando pasaban por delante.
and all boys who could not afford to purchase, hooted "David Faux" as they passed his shop.
Su portador iba seguido de varios compañeros, que gritaban y reían victoriosos, pero el captor iba tan satisfecho de sí mismo que no hacía caso de tan infantil algarabía.
They hooted and laughed in victory, but the man who carried her was too full of satisfaction to give vent to such boyish noises.
Mientras poníamos pies en polvorosa, los tipos gritaban que quién era yo para quedarme todos los chicos guapos para mí solo, ¿un oligarca?, ¿uno de la pandilla de Dión?
As we took to our heels, they bawled out, asking who I was to keep all the pretty boys to myself—an oligarch?
Esos oídos en particular no habían oído nunca el exigente brincoteo de los zapatos urbanos, ni a los tápanos que gritaban desde las ramas de los árboles o la orilla del canal como ardillas anfibias.
These particular ears hadn’t heard the demanding blatting of the urban flatfurs, or the tapanos scolding from the tree branches on the edge of the canal like amphibious squirrels.
Los esclavos, transportando ánforas, mensajes, haces de leña o sacos de trigo, se gritaban unos a otros por las calles, exigiendo vía libre.
Les esclaves, transportant des amphores, des messages, des fagots ou des sacs de blé, s’apostrophaient dans les rues, exigeant le passage.
Lanzó una mirada a los terraplenes y a los guerreros que gritaban encima de los mismos—.
He glanced at the earthworks, and the clamouring warriors atop it.
Incluso esas pocas palabras levantaban los recuerdos, que gritaban en busca de atención.
Even those few words raised the memories, clamouring for attention.
Mientras se acercaba, ellas le gritaban, seis bracitos de anémona extendidos hacia ella, moviéndose en el aire.
As she approached, they clamoured for her, six little anemone arms, reaching, waving.
«Un autógrafo, por favor, Shabnamji», gritaban, poniéndole delante de la cara libros de autógrafos y trocitos de papel.
'Autograph please, Shabnamji' they clamoured, thrusting autograph books and scraps of paper at her.
Pero sentí la mano del destino posada sobre mí, no sé por qué, mientras me hacía con un caballo fresco y Raglan y Airey me gritaban.
But I felt the finger of doom on me, I don’t know why, as I scrambled aboard a fresh horse with Raglan and Airey clamouring at me.
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