Перевод для "dar el examen" на английский
Dar el examen
  • take the exam
Примеры перевода
take the exam
Todos los que ingresan a la universidad pueden dar sus exámenes en el idioma en que han terminado la escuela secundaria, y se ha creado un entorno favorable para atraer a estudiantes extranjeros, sobre todo de países en desarrollo.
All entrants to the university could take their exams in the language in which they had completed high school, and an enabling environment had been created to attract foreign students, particularly from developing countries.
¿Por qué dar el examen por obligación?
What is the use of taking the exam just because we have to take it?
Conseguiremos dinero y darás el examen.
We will get money, and you will take the exam.
¿No es ése tu plan para no dar el examen?
Isn't that your plan, so you won't have to take the exam?
How many English words do you know?
Test your English vocabulary size, and measure how many words you know.
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