Перевод для "criados juntos" на английский
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Londo dice que son telépatas criadas juntas desde que nacieron.
Londo says they're telepaths, raised together since birth.
Fueron criados juntos, aprendieron como pelear juntos...
They were raised together, they learnt how to fight together,
Pero la impronta psicológica y tabú social aplastan el deseo sexual cuando los hermanos son criados juntos.
But psychological imprinting and social taboo overwhelm, sexual desire when siblings are raised together.
Ellos fueron criados juntos.
They were raised together.
No, nosotros... nosotros fuimos criados juntos.
No, we were... we were raised together.
Los Pandava y los Kaurava fueron criados juntos;
The Pandavas and Kauravas were raised together;
—Nos hemos criado juntos, pero luego Romeo y su madre se fueron de Caribe.
We were raised together as boys, but then Romeo and his mother left Caribe.
Aunque los dos muchachos se habían criado juntos, no daba la impresión de que entre ellos hubiera mucho afecto o cariño.
Though the boys had been raised together, there was no evidence of any great affection or love between them.
Se han criado juntos, y muchas veces, cuando yo cazaba en los Sunderbunds, les he visto socorrerse mutuamente, y también…
They were raised together and over and over, when I was hunting in the Sunderbunds, I have seen them help each other each other and also ...
Las quince soldados de su nave habían sido criadas juntas, entrenadas juntas para formar una unidad perfecta de combate y en teoría debían haber muerto juntas.
The fifteen commandos in her dropship had been raised together, trained together into a perfect fighting unit, and were supposed to have died together.
Recordó de pronto que, según ciertas investigaciones recientes, los niños criados juntos en los kibbutz con la idea de que fueran luego buenos maridos y esposas entre sí habían sentido de algún modo que con ello cometían incesto, por más que no los unía ningún parentesco.
Recent research, she remembered, had shown that children raised together on the Kibbutzim to be good husbands and wives for each other had seemed somehow to share the primitive incest tabu, although they were quite unrelated.
Qué le pasaba, de qué habla: ni Pedro Flores era aprista ni Trinidad había sido nunca aprista, lo sé de sobra porque somos primos, se habían criado juntos en la Victoria, nacimos en la misma casa, señora.
What was the matter with her, what are you talking about: Pedro Flores wasn’t an Aprista and Trinidad had never been an Aprista either, I know only too well because we’re cousins, they’d been raised together in Victoria, we were born in the same house, ma’am.
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