Перевод для "celebrado recientemente" на английский
Celebrado recientemente
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Sr. Abdelsalam (Sudán) (habla en árabe): Para comenzar, me complace expresar nuestras sinceras felicitaciones a la Corte Internacional de Justicia, que ha celebrado recientemente su sexagésimo aniversario; 60 años durante los cuales ha sido el símbolo invalorable de justicia y un guardián leal de los principios del derecho internacional.
Mr. Abdelsalam (Sudan) (spoke in Arabic): At the outset, I have the pleasure to convey our sincere congratulations to the International Court of Justice, which recently celebrated its sixtieth anniversary -- 60 years during which it has been a steadfast edifice of justice and a trusted guardian of the principles of international law.
Ese es el tema del Octavo Día de la Industrialización de África, celebrado recientemente.
That was the theme of the recently celebrated eighth Africa Industrialization Day.
82. El pueblo chino ha celebrado recientemente el 60º aniversario de la fundación de la República Popular de China.
82. The Chinese people had recently celebrated the sixtieth anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China.
Se ha celebrado recientemente el quinto aniversario de su adhesión a la Unión Europea, que ha repercutido positivamente en todos los aspectos de la vida polaca, especialmente en la observancia de los derechos económicos, sociales y culturales de sus ciudadanos.
It had recently celebrated its fifth anniversary of EU membership, which had a positive impact on all aspects of Polish life, especially in enhancing the realization of its citizens' economic, social, and cultural rights.
11. El Sr. FISCHER (Presidente Federal de Austria) dice que la ONUDI celebrará dentro de poco su cuadragésimo aniversario y ha celebrado recientemente el vigésimo aniversario de su transformación en organismo especializado independiente.
Mr. FISCHER (Federal President of Austria) said that UNIDO would shortly be celebrating its fortieth birthday and had recently celebrated the twentieth anniversary of its conversion into an independent specialized agency.
En su juicio, celebrado recientemente, Abdollah Nouri invocó el nombre del Ayatollah Montazeri, y el juez que presidía le dijo que no le permitiría que lo citara.
Abdollah Nouri, in his recent celebrated trial, invoked Ayatollah Montazeri's name only to be told by the presiding judge that he would not allow the name to be mentioned.
La Argentina, que ha celebrado recientemente el bicentenario de su independencia y la formación de su propia identidad, trata por otro lado de negar que los habitantes de las Islas Falkland existan como pueblo.
Argentina had recently celebrated the bicentenary of its independence and the formation of its own identity, yet sought to deny that the Falkland Islanders existed as a people at all.
69. El Sr. AHMED (Asociación de Antiguos Expertos en Desarrollo Industrial de las Naciones Unidas, AFIDE) dice que la AFIDE ha celebrado recientemente su quinto aniversario y su quinta reunión general anual, a la que asistieron muchos de sus miembros.
69. Mr. AHMED (Association of Former United Nations Industrial Development Experts (AFIDE)) said that AFIDE had recently celebrated its fifth anniversary and held its fifth annual general meeting, which had been attended by a large number of its members.
Soy un alcohólico y he celebrado recientemente mi octavo aniversario.
I'm an alcoholic, and I have recently celebrated my eighth birthday.
La princesa tenía trece años y había celebrado recientemente su primera floración, de modo que era deseo de todos verla casada tan pronto como resultara posible.
The princess was three-and-ten years of age, and had recently celebrated her first flowering, so it was thought desirable to see her wed as soon as possible.
Las elecciones presidenciales y legislativas celebradas recientemente habían sido en general pacíficas e inclusivas.
The recently held presidential and legislative elections had been characterized as mainly peaceful and inclusive.
En relación con la "elecciones parlamentarias" celebradas recientemente en Nagorno-Karabaj, desearíamos señalar lo siguiente.
In connection with the "parliamentary elections" recently held in Nagorny Karabakh, we should like to point out the following.
La Cumbre celebrada recientemente en Astana, que reunió a 56 Jefes de Estado y de Gobierno, es una notable prueba de esto.
The Summit recently held in Astana, which convened the heads of 56 States and Governments, is outstanding evidence of this.
También celebramos las decisiones adoptadas en la cumbre del Grupo de los Siete, celebrada recientemente en Colonia.
We also welcome the decisions taken at the G-7 summit recently held in Cologne.
A este respecto ya se había fijado el tono en las dos reuniones de la Comisión celebradas recientemente en enero y febrero.
The tone had been set in that respect in the two recently held Commission meetings in January and February.
27. La CESPAP había celebrado recientemente una reunión de los jefes ejecutivos de las agrupaciones subregionales.
27. ESCAP had recently held a meeting of the executive heads of the subregional groupings.
Dicho documento fue presentado al Consejo Económico y Social en el período de sesiones sustantivo celebrado recientemente.
That document was submitted to the Economic and Social Council at its recently held substantive session.
Tal es el caso también del curso práctico nacional celebrado recientemente en Sri Lanka.
The same holds true for the national workshop recently held in Sri Lanka.
La Cumbre Mundial sobre el Desarrollo Sostenible, celebrada recientemente en Johannesburgo, fue uno de los acontecimientos especiales en esa esfera.
The World Summit on Sustainable Development, recently held in Johannesburg was one of the major events in that area.
El Comité Consultivo había celebrado recientemente su tercera reunión, en junio.
The Advisory Committee had recently held its third meeting in June.
Los administradores de Costa Rica dijeron no saber lo que había sucedido, y sugirieron tratarlo en una reunión de la asamblea general similar a la celebrada recientemente.
The administrators of Costa Rica said they did not know what had happened, and suggested discussing what to do in a regathering of a general assembly similar to the one just recently held.
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