Перевод для "a medio asar" на английский
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ni que el cocinero francés, tras despedazar —mientras profería extrañas imprecaciones galas que hicieron temblar a sus ayudantes— los dos pollos Davenport a medio asar y meterlos en una sartén con una salsa bechamel aderezada con estragón, no hubiera decidido todavía si abandonar inmediatamente aquella poco honorable casa o cortarse el cuello con el cuchillo más grande que encontrara en la cocina.
or that that artist in the kitchen, having, with strange Gallic imprecations which made his various assistants quake, rent limb from limb two half-roasted Davenport fowls, and flung them into a pan with a béchamel sauce and some tarragons, was even now, as he arranged a basket of pastry on a dish, undecided whether to leave this dishonoured house on the instant, or to cut his throat with the larger carving-knife.
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