Перевод для "come to him" на французcкий
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He's much too proud to come to you now but he'd really like you to come to him.
Il est trop fier pour venir te voir, mais il aimerait vraiment que tu viennes à lui.
He wants the guardian to come to him.
Il veut que le gardien vienne à lui.
Just waiting for his destined love, the one he would give his life for to come to him.
D'attendre que son amour prédestiné, celle pour qui il donnerait sa vie, vienne à lui.
He puts out salt licks to attract the elk, then hunkers down somewhere and waits for his prey to come to him.
Il met une pierre à sel pour attirer l'élan, puis il s'installe quelque part et attend que sa proie vienne à lui.
Made us come to him.
Il nous a fait venir à lui.
That boy apologized about a thousand times that he made me come to him; and when we wrapped it up,
Il s'est excusé mille fois de m'avoir fait venir à lui.
Bracken's got it coming to him, so I say, let it come.
Bracken va le faire venir à lui, donc laissons le venir.
I mean, maybe if he backed off and let me come to him, maybe I would think about it.
Peut-être que s'il s'était éloigné et m'avait laissé venir à lui, peut-être que j'y aurais pensé.
And death should have come to him... as an old friend... offering the gift of sleep.
La mort aurait dû venir à lui comme une vieille amie, Iui offrant le don du sommeil.
After Ezra, he told me that I should come to him.
Après Ezra, il m'a dit que je devais venir à lui.
He's asking you to come to him.
Il te demande de venir à lui.
If he had waited, one day they would have begged, begged to come to him.
S'il avait attendu, un jour, ils l'auraient supplié, supplié de venir à lui.
And he motioned for me to come to him.
Et il m'a fait signe de venir à lui.
He sends out his followers to slaughter anyone who won't come to him to be Confessed.
Il envoie partout ses partisans tuer ceux qui ne veulent pas venir à lui pour être Confessé.
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