Перевод для "you failed" на испанский
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Примеры перевода
Why did you fail them?
—¿Por qué les fallaste?
All those you failed.
A todos aquellos a los que fallaste.
He was testing you and you failed.
Te estaba probando y fallaste.
Did you fail him, Kay?
– ¿Le fallaste, Kay?
You failed, you know. On the street.”
—Pero fallaste, ¿sabes? En la calle.
You failed me at the moment I needed you most.
—Me fallaste cuando más te necesitaba.
You failed with the guardian because of your thoughts.
Fallaste con el guardián a causa de tus pensamientos.
As for you, you failed me when I needed you most.
En cuanto a ti, me fallaste cuando más te necesitaba.
I hired you to kill someone! You failed!
¡Te contraté para asesinar a alguien! ¡Fallaste!
You failed, Veronica.
Has fallado, Veronica.
Megatron, you FAILED!
¡Megatron has fallado!
You failed, skull.
Has fallado, Skull.
That means you failed.
Eso significa que tú has fallado.
You failed my mother.
Le has fallado a mi madre.
Have you failed your dead family?
¾Les has fallado a tus muertos?
“Tell me how you failed.”
Cuéntame cómo has fallado.
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