Фразы в похожем контексте
Примеры перевода
I came to offer you my very warm sympathy with the grief you have so lately experienced.
—He venido a presentarle mi más sincera condolencia por la aflicción que acaba de experimentar tan recientemente.
He seemed to hear again around him the legions of whirring wings to which he had been so lately accustomed.
Creía escuchar a su alrededor las legiones de alas vibrantes a las que tan recientemente se había acostumbrado.
As he travelled in his chaise from posting-house to posting-house, along the high road to Rennes, neglected parklands and weed-choked gardens about more than one untenanted château, were grim reminders of how it had fared with the lordly class from which he had so lately discovered that he sprang.
Mientras viajaba en su silla de casa en casa de postas, a lo largo de la carretera que conducía a Rennes, los descuidados parques y los abandonados jardines que rodeaban más de un desierto castillo le iban diciendo la suerte corrida por la clase aristocrática, de la que tan recientemente formaba parte.
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