Перевод для "safe-keep" на испанский
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I will keep you safe, keep you secret.
Te mantendré a salvo, guardaré tu secreto.
And if they never found the case (which for safe keeping I would put into the attic) so much the better.
Y si nunca llegaban a encontrar el maletín (que por seguridad pensé guardar en el desván), mucho mejor.
We know that Goodchild was very concerned that his agent receive five cases of luggage and put it into safe keeping.
Sabemos que Goodchild estaba muy interesado en que su agente recibiera cinco cajones y los guardara a buen recaudo.
"There were more where that one came from," said Charl when the sovereign had been taken up and handed to the landlady for safe keeping.
—El forastero seguro que traía un montón de estos —dijo Charl, tras coger el soberano y entregarlo a la posadera para que lo guardara—.
They were all to some degree intoxicated and had, as was their wont before sitting down to drink, given their weapons into the safe keeping of one of their number, who was pledged for the occasion to keg himself.
Todos estaban un poco ebrios y, como era su costumbre antes de sentarse a beber, habían dado sus armas a guardar a uno de los suyos, que se comprometía a no beber durante la fiesta.
And so it was that Aeoris, greatest of the Seven Lords of the White Isle, gave a casket into the safe-keeping of those whom he had saved from the demons of Chaos.
Y así fue como Aeoris, el más grande de los Siete Señores de la Isla Blanca, dio a guardar un cofre a quienes había salvado de los demonios del Caos.
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