Перевод для "reveal to him" на испанский
Reveal to him
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It seemed revealed to him that he had not got a wife.
parecían revelarle que él no tenía mujer.
I was incautious enough to reveal to him that other talent of mine.
Tuve la imprudencia de revelarle mi otro talento.
I meant to reveal to him the manner in which I fed.
Me proponía revelarle la forma en que me alimentaba.
So the book might be intended to reveal to him where exactly they’d ended up.
De modo que tal vez intentara revelarle dónde habían acabado.
Therefore, when we’ve revealed to him the source of his disorder, he will cure himself by forgiving himself.
Por lo tanto, al revelarle el origen de su mal, se recuperará al perdonarse a sí mismo.
Mostly he feared what another immersion would reveal to him, but there was an awful fascination in it too.
Más que nada, temía lo que pudiera revelarle una nueva inmersión, aunque a este sentimiento se unía también una espantosa fascinación.
His psychological acuteness, fatally external, never revealed to him the nature of his own desires.
Su agudeza psicológica, inevitablemente externa, nunca supo revelarle la naturaleza de sus propios deseos.
WHEN JERICÓ RETURNED I didn’t know whether to reveal to him my relationship with Lucha Zapata or keep it a secret.
No supe, al regreso de Jericó, si revelarle mi relación con Lucha Zapata o mantenerla en secreto.
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