Перевод для "exposes him" на испанский
Exposes him
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He proved again that anyone who exposes him... anyone who does not share his hysterical disregard for decency and human dignity... and the rights guaranteed by the Constitution... must be either a Communist or a fellow traveler.
Volvió a demostrar que quien lo expone... o no comparte su indiferencia histérica hacia la dignidad humana... y los derechos constitucionales... debe ser un comunista o un simpatizante.
He's only 30 years old, and his job doesn't expose him to heavy metals or environmental--
No, tiene sólo 30 años y su trabajo no lo expone a metales pesados ni--
If you expose him as a turncoat, yeah, it'll be messy for you, but it will destroy him.
Si lo expone como un traidor, sí, será complicado para usted, pero lo destruirá a él.
Let's just say, Geary, that I'm wrong and you expose him.
Digamos, Geary, que estoy equivocado y que lo expones.
If he's trying to protect her in any way, it exposes him.
Si él está tratando de protegerla de cualquier manera, eso lo expone.
I think having this event at a hotel exposes him to unnecessary risk.
Pienso que tener este evento en el hotel lo expone a un riesgo innecesario.
Mags was his mentor and basically raise him and he's trying to protect her in any way it exposes him.
Mags fue su mentor y básicamente le plantean y él está tratando de protegerla de la forma que lo expone .
Maybe he works in a profession that exposes him to carpets.
A lo mejor, su profesión lo expone a las alfombras.
“It will then be asked, ‘Why does Innocent Smith continued far into his middle age a farcical existence, that exposes him to so many false charges?’ To this I merely answer that he does it because he really is happy, because he really is hilarious, because he really is a man and alive.
—Aquí se preguntará: ¿Por qué Innocent Smith continúa en plena edad madura una existencia de farsa que lo expone a tantas falsas acusaciones? A esto sólo contesto que lo hace porque es verdaderamente feliz, porque tiene verdadera hilaridad, porque es verdaderamente hombre en posesión de la vida.
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