Перевод для "people in houses" на испанский
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Now, though, was the time when people bought houses.
Ahora, sin embargo, era la época en que la gente compraba casas.
Where are the others, Tessa and Jim and all the others, travelers, wanderers, pilgrims, people in houses and apartments and village hutments.
¿Dónde están los otros, Tessa y Jim y todos los demás, los viajeros, los vagabundos, los peregrinos, la gente en casas y apartamentos y chozas en aldeas?
Like people had houses where they lived, but these casinos, these secret little apartments, hidden around town, were where they went to be with other people.
La gente tenía casas en las que vivía, pero iba a los casinos, esos pequeños apartamentos secretos ocultos en las afueras de la ciudad, a reunirse con otra gente.
Now and then we saw wild game — a springbok or an ostrich or an occasional raptor hung in the sky — but there were no people, no houses, nothing but the vast hot land, yellow in the drought that had gripped it.
De vez en cuando veíamos algún animal salvaje —un springbok, o un avestruz, o alguna rapaz ocasional en el cielo—, pero no había gente ni casas, nada más que la vasta tierra ardiente, amarilla por la sequía que la atenazaba.
56. Among the civilian sources consulted by the Special Rapporteur were Croatian citizens directly affected by the war, people whose houses had been destroyed, whose relatives had been killed and who, in some cases, had been forced to flee and seek refuge in safe areas.
56. Entre las fuentes civiles, el Relator Especial consultó a ciudadanos croatas afectados directamente por la guerra, a personas cuyas casas fueron destruidas, a personas cuyos familiares fueron asesinados y en otros casos, obligados a huir y buscar refugio en sitios seguros.
The whole world had seen people massacred, houses destroyed and churches burnt down, all obviously orchestrated by the Indonesian army.
El mundo entero pudo ver personas asesinadas, casas destruidas e iglesias incendiadas, todo ello manifiestamente orquestado por el ejército indonesio.
People, animals, houses, thought Kathrine, I’m sure they will have had something or other in mind.
Personas, animales, casas, pensó Kathrine, en algo debieron de pensar al hacerlos.
People whose houses butted up against the canal had the right to control who used it.
Las personas cuyas casas daban al canal tenían derecho a controlar quién lo usaba.
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