Перевод для "pecan tree" на испанский
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Caterpillar nets shone in the pecan tree.
Las babas de las orugas relucían en el árbol del pecán.
It bounced to a stop in the last bit of shade under the pecan tree, and Etoyle screamed prophetically, “It’s Uncle Noah Webster back in Banner!
Dando tumbos se detuvo en el último trozo de sombra que quedaba libre bajo el árbol del pecán, y Etoyle dio un profético chillido. —¡Es el tío Noah Webster! ¡Ha vuelto a Banner!
“And it’s a shame and a crime about them web worms, too,” said Aunt Nanny, looking to the other end of the yard where the majestic pecan tree rose, full of years.
—Y también es una vergüenza, es un crimen lo de las orugas telarañeras —dijo la tía Nanny, y miró al otro extremo del jardín de la entrada, donde se alzaba el majestuoso árbol del pecán, cargado de años.
Uncle Nathan’s tent was under the pecan tree like a pair of big black-spread wings that had dipped near to the ground to hover there all night.
La tienda de campaña del tío Nathan estaba bajo el árbol del pecán como si la formasen dos alas negras y extendidas, que se hubieran posado casi del todo en el suelo para aletear allí durante toda la noche.
With the dogs in the yard and the dogs in the car all barking together, the car bumped across the yard to the pecan tree, and halted behind the school bus, and then the dust caught up with it.
Con los perros del jardín y los perros del coche ladrando todos a un tiempo, la camioneta rebotó por los baches de la entrada hasta el árbol del pecán y se detuvo detrás del autobús escolar, y una vez allí fue alcanzado por la polvareda que había ido levantando.
She walked the long way round, through a schoolyard, down a street lined with pecan trees, across another schoolyard, across a football field on which Jem in a daze had once tackled his own man.
Dio un largo rodeo, atravesó un patio de colegio, bajó por una calle flanqueada por árboles de pecanas, cruzó otro patio escolar y un campo de fútbol americano en el que, una vez, Jem, despistado, había hecho un placaje a un compañero de equipo.
A gigantic moon was rising behind Miss Maudie’s pecan trees.
Una luna gigantesca se levantaba detrás de los nogales pecan de miss Maudie—.
Ambulance sans siren pulling into the pecan-tree drive, stretch limousine right behind it.
Ambulance sans siren pulling into the pecan-tree drive, stretch limousine right behind it.
It seemed to me that the curve of the limbs of the pecan trees marching down the gravel drive meant something, a secret communication from the Lord of the Universe, but what?
It seemed to me that the curve of the limbs of the pecan trees marching down the gravel drive meant something, a secret communication from the Lord of the Universe, but what?
I was about to retire, so that I could enjoy the process of falling asleep instead of blanking out like a smashed light bulb, when I heard a car turn on the pecan-tree drive and head steadily and confidently for the front of the house.
I was about to retire, so that I could enjoy the process of falling asleep instead of blanking out like a smashed light bulb, when I heard a car turn on the pecan-tree drive and head steadily and confidently for the front of the house.
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