Перевод для "honoured" на испанский
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In doing so, they have honoured all of us.
Al hacerlo, nos han honrado a todos.
We feel honoured to be asked.
Nos sentimos honrados de que así sea.
It was a real honour and I felt humbled to do so.
Fue un verdadero honor y me sentí honrada de hacerlo.
Bhutan is honoured to serve as one of the Vice-Presidents.
Bhután se siente honrado de haber sido elegido para una de las Vicepresidencias.
We are very honoured to welcome him here today.
Nos sentimos muy honrados con su presencia hoy aquí.
Mongolia is most honoured to host the Conference.
Mongolia se siente muy honrada de ser anfitrión de la Conferencia.
The city of Sert is greatly honoured by your presence.
La ciudad de Sert se siente honrada de su presencia.
We were honoured to be able to contribute to that work.
Nos sentimos honrados de haber podido contribuir a esa labor.
We are honoured to be hosting this world event in Spain.
Nos sentimos honrados de albergar en España este acontecimiento mundial.
- Very honourable, Skip.
- Qué honrado, Skip.
We're honoured.'
"Nos sentimos honrados".
- Honoured. You hear?
Honrados, ¿habéis oído?
- I'd be honoured.
- Me sentiría honrada.
I'm deeply honoured.
Estoy profundamente honrado.
- Aren't you honoured?
- ¿Te sientes honrado?
‘I should be honoured, my lord, honoured.’
—Me sentiré honrado, milord, muy honrado.
He has honoured me, I say he has honoured me...
Me ha honrado, digo que me ha honrado
Stunned, but honoured.
Aturdido, pero honrado.
‘Don’t be honoured.
—No te sientas honrado.
We had honoured her.
La habíamos honrado.
I would be honoured.
Me sentiría muy honrado.
He is an honourable man.
Es un hombre honrado.
She was an honourable woman;
Era una mujer honrada.
We are an honourable folk.
—Somos gente honrada.
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