Перевод для "heart-to-hearts" на испанский
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He had a heart-to-heart with Nerea.
Se sinceró con Nerea.
This is the closest Stern and I have come to a heart-to-heart.
Es lo más cerca que hemos estado Stern y yo de una conversación absolutamente sincera.
I wanted more than anything else in the world to have a heart-to-heart talk with the girls.
Deseaba más que nada en el mundo tener una conversación sincera con las muchachas.
In between I had to have a heart-to-heart with Braxton, and then go hold Gaylen's hand.
Entre uno y otro tenía que tener una charla sincera con Braxton e ir a cogerle la manita a Gaylen.
This affliction, Molly tells Edmund in their final heart to heart, is what he has brought down on their family.
Molly le dice a Edmund, en su última conversación seria y sincera, que esta aflicción es lo que ha destruido a su familia.
He kept trying to have these heart-to-heart talks with me – tell me all about how my father hadproblems .
Siempre intentaba mantener «charlas sinceras» conmigo, contarme que mi padre tenía «problemas».
“Sure, Warden, I’ll just have a little heart-to-heart with my client, get him to confess, and convince him to stop whatever he’ll admit to doing. No problem.”
—Claro, alcaide. Tendré una charla sincera con mi cliente, le haré confesar y lo convenceré para que detenga todo lo que admita estar haciendo. Sin problemas.
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