Перевод для "head sunk" на испанский
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Monroy shook his head, sunk deep into his shoulders.
Monroy meneó la cabeza hundida en los hombros.
His head sunk into his hands as tears welled up.
El joven lloró con la cabeza hundida en las manos.
He was looking down, the thick mound of his head sunk into the wide yoke of his shoulders.
Miraba hacia abajo, con la cabeza hundida entre sus anchos hombros.
Lady Mary sat with her hands folded in her lap and her head sunk on her breast.
Lady Mary se sentó con sus manos plegadas sobre el regazo y la cabeza hundida en el pecho.
Now Buliwyf stared at the writing for a long period, his head sunk upon his chest.
Buliwyf se quedó entonces mirando largo rato la escritura con la cabeza hundida en el pecho.
SHE’S LYING ON A MATTRESS, HER HEAD sunk down into a pillow. Another bed is right above her, like a ceiling.
Está tumbada sobre un colchón, la cabeza hundida en una almohada y otra cama que le hace de techo.
He sat, eyes hooded, head sunk on his chest, staring at the glowing tip of his cigar.
Se sentó, con los ojos velados, la cabeza hundida en el pecho y la vista clavada en el resplandor de su cigarro.
To accompany the story, each newspaper ran a photo of Penny’s head sunk into a white satin pillow.
A modo de acompañamiento de la historia, todos los periódicos traían fotos de Penny con la cabeza hundida en un almohadón de satén blanco.
He cleared his throat with the dry, rasping sound that members of the household called his “asthma cough”; his head, sunk in the pillow, hardly moved at all.
Tosió: una tos seca, que llamaban «su asma» y que apenas agitaba la cabeza hundida en la almohada.
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