Перевод для "he attempt" на испанский
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- In it, he attempts to ridicule Your Majesty's most trusted ministers, and calls for their downfall.
En el intenta ridiculizar a los ministros, a quien Su Majestad honra con su confianza y hace un llamado a destituirlos.
And this is the first time that he attempted an attack... and he failed.
Y esta es la primera vez que intenta un ataque... y fracasa.
I think he's attempting re-entry, sir.
Creo que intenta una segunda entrada.
Tell me, have you ever seen the... person over which he attempted suicide?
¿Has visto a la persona por la que intentó suicidarse?
He must be found before he's attempted to a crime even more terrible.
Debe ser encontrado... antes de que intente un crimen... aún más terrible.
That Mr McCurdy followed you, and he attempted to seize you. And in self-defence you swung the shovel.
Que intentó atacarla y que en defensa propia le golpeó con la pala.
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