Перевод для "having relations" на испанский
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Indeed over 100 States already have relations with the Palestinian entity, not unlike relations with an independent State, while the Palestinian Authority has observer status in many international organizations.
En efecto, más de 100 Estados mantienen ya relaciones con la entidad palestina, bastante semejantes a las relaciones que se mantienen con un Estado independiente, y la Autoridad Palestina tiene la calidad de observadora en muchas organizaciones internacionales.
My daughter confessed to me last night that she's been having... Relations with my husband.
Mi hija me confesó anoche que ha estado teniendo... relaciones con mi marido.
And you're having relations with a woman this old?
¿Y estás teniendo relaciones con una mujer así de vieja?
When I opened the door, I saw my father having relations with another woman.
cuando abrí la puerta encontré a mi padre teniendo relaciones con otra mujer
He told me if I didn't continue to have relations with him he'd tell you.
Me dijo que si no seguía teniendo relaciones con él te lo diría.
That's right, your ex-husband is having relations with your mother.
Eso es, tu ex esposo está teniendo relaciones con tu madre.
May I ask, are you having relations with your husband?
¿Puedo saber si está teniendo relaciones con su esposo?
No. My dad... my dad is having relations with hillary.
Mi padre está teniendo relaciones con Hillary.
I came home and found him having relations with...
Un día llegué a casa y lo encontré teniendo relaciones con...
According to this, for at least a year. During time he and Atwood were having relations.
De acuerdo a esto por el último año durante el tiempo que él y Atwood estuvieron teniendo relaciones.
-I mean, having relations with-
- Es decir, teniendo relaciones con...
“You want to know if I have relations with this prefect.” “‘Relations’?
—¿Quieres saber si tengo relaciones con ese prefecto? —¿Relaciones?
As a compromise, the Select Committee had proposed that hurting or threatening to hurt a wife in order to compel her to have relations would constitute an offence.
Como solución de transacción, el Comité Selecto propuso que infligir violencia física o amenazar con ella a la esposa a fin de obligarla a tener relaciones sexuales constituye un delito.
He thanked the members of the Committee for the trust they had placed in Senegal and assured them that his Government would maintain its tradition of unequivocal solidarity with the Palestinian people, while emphasizing that that tradition had not prevented Senegal from having relations of mutually advantageous cooperation with Israel.
Agradece a los miembros del Comité la confianza que han depositado en el Senegal y les asegura que su Gobierno mantendrá su tradición de solidaridad inequívoca con el pueblo palestino, al tiempo que subraya que esa tradición no ha impedido al Senegal tener relaciones de cooperación mutuamente beneficiosa con Israel.
Daniel, forgive me for having relations with your mother.
Daniel, perdóname por tener relaciones con tu madre.
You wanna have relations right here on the roof.
Quieres tener relaciones aquí mismo en el techo.
Are Priests allowed to have relations?
¿Los Sacerdotes pueden tener relaciones?
Never could have relations again.
Jamás podrá tener relaciones nuevamente.
I don't even know if you can have... relations.
Ni siquiera se si puedes tener... relaciones.
And then he wanted to have relations.
Y luego quería tener relaciones.
They put him in jail for having relations.
Lo mandaron a prisión por tener relaciones.
- We began to have relations.
Comenzamos a tener relaciones.
‘You mean he continued having relations with other women?’
—¿No ha cesado nunca de tener relaciones con otras mujeres?
She was a child when you started having relations with her.
Sólo era una niña cuando empezaste a tener relaciones con ella.
Have relations with you, Duchess,” she said in an ironical tone.
Tener relaciones con usted, duquesa —dijo con tono irónico.
How can I have relations with another man, no matter how rich and noble he may be?” let fly Milagros.
¿Cómo voy a tener relaciones con otro hombre por más rico y noble que sea?», le soltó Milagros.
Of course, they were not just casually implicit in my being there, in my having relations with others, male and female, et cetera, in my setting out to make a shell, et cetera.
No por nada estaban implícitas en mi estar allí, en mi tener relaciones con los otros y con las otras, etcétera, en mi ponerme a hacer la concha, etcétera.
I would risk a great deal to have relations with you.' I thought he was going to touch or grab me again, but he didn't.
Pero en este lugar sería un gran riesgo tener relaciones contigo». Creí que iba a tocarme o a agarrarme de nuevo, pero no lo hizo.
He has not forgotten his previous physical pain and scruples about having relations with the Esquimaux girl: these details simply are not in his mind as her small but urgent fingers close around his penis.
No ha olvidado su anterior dolor físico, sus escrúpulos acerca de tener relaciones con la chica esquimal. Esos detalles, sencillamente, no están en su mente mientras los dedos de ella, menudos pero insistentes, se colocan en torno a su pene.
Whether she was back home or not, I knew it wouldn’t change anything, she wouldn’t want to see me again, for her I was ancient history, and, frankly, I was ancient history for me as well, any idea of embarking again on a public career, or more generally of having relations with my fellow men, had this time definitively left me, with her I had used up the last of my strength, I had surrendered to the present;
Pero yo sabía que, hubiera vuelto o no, no cambiaba nada, que no tendría ganas de volver a verme, que yo era para ella historia antigua; en realidad también lo era para mí mismo, cualquier idea de reanudar una carrera pública, o más en general de tener relaciones con mis semejantes, me había abandonado definitivamente;
Yet it seems I have been accused of a multitude of things, of jealousy and paranoia, of not being man enough to satisfy my wife, of having relations with male friends of mine, of holding my cigarette in an affected manner, even — it seems to me — accused of having nothing between my legs but a patch of hair — and soft and downy and blond hair at that!
Sin embargo, es como si me hubieran acusado de un montón de cosas: de celos y de paranoia, de no saber satisfacer a mi mujer, de tener relaciones con amigos del sexo masculino, de sostener el cigarrillo con afectación, incluso -ésa es la impresión que tengo- me ha acusado de no tener sino una mata de vello entre las piernas;
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