Перевод для "end of the season" на испанский
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The parking lot was surrounded by tawdry beachfront attractions—funnel cake concessions, hotdog stands, souvenir shops—but this was the tag end of the season, and none were doing much business.
Sórdidos reclamos playeros —franquicias de pasteles, puestos de perritos calientes, tiendas de regalos— rodeaban el aparcamiento, pero era la época etiquetada como fin de temporada y ninguno hacía mucho negocio.
There was not much traffic otherwise: a few out-of-state cars with end-of-the-season deer hunters on the prowl, Hank Lank on his way to work, Bud Swette in his red-white-and-blue mail-delivery jeep, Chick Ward yawning past in his Trans Am, flipping a wave at Wade, Pearl Diehler, as she often did when she failed to get her kids fed and dressed in time, driving them in to school in her old rusted-out station wagon, smiling easily, naturally, normally, as she passed Wade.
Aparte de eso no había mucho tráfico: algunos coches de fuera del estado con cazadores de fin de temporada en busca de presa, Hank Lank de camino al trabajo, Bud Swette en su jeep rojo, blanco y azul para repartir el correo, Chick Ward, que pasó bostezando en su Trans Am y enviando a Wade un saludo fugaz, Pearl Diehler, que, como solía hacer cuando no lograba dar el desayuno y vestir a tiempo a sus hijos, los llevaba al colegio en su vieja y roñosa ranchera, sonriendo con facilidad, con la mayor naturalidad, cuando pasó frente a Wade.
That's the end of the season?
¿Es el final de la temporada?
Hold him to it at the end of the season.
Recuérdaselo al final de la temporada.
You'll go back to Reykjavik at the end of the season.
Regresarás a Reykjavik al final de la temporada.
End of the season is a lifetime away.
El final de la temporada está a un mundo todavía.
Come back at the end of the season.
Vuelvan al final de la temporada.
Maybe he'll get there by the end of the season.
Quizás lo consiga al final de la temporada.
I mean... it's almost the end of the season.
Estamos en el final de la temporada.
- We're almost at the end of the season.
- Casi estamos al final de la temporada.
My contract's up at the end of the season.
Mi contrato termina al final de la temporada.
It was just completed by the end of the season.
al final de la temporada casi se había terminado.
At the end of the season I remained unsought, unwanted, and unengaged.
Al final de la temporada, seguía sin un solo pretendiente.
It’s always thus at the end of the season, and at the beginning.”
Siempre ocurre lo mismo al final de la temporada, y también al principio.
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