Перевод для "death was imminent" на испанский
Death was imminent
Примеры перевода
In Tibet, women were imprisoned and subjected to sexual violence and torture for expressing their political views; medical attention was denied unless a prisoner's death was imminent.
En el Tíbet, las mujeres son encarceladas y sometidas a violencia sexual y a torturas por expresar su opinión política, y se niega a las prisioneras atención médica salvo cuando su muerte es inminente.
95. The Special Rapporteur encourages organizations of journalists to keep the United Nations human rights mechanisms informed of any incident of human rights violations, in particular death threats, imminent danger to their lives, or incidents of extrajudicial killings.
95. La Relatora Especial invita a las organizaciones de periodistas a mantener informados a los mecanismos de derechos humanos de las Naciones Unidas de toda violación de los derechos humanos, en particular amenazas de muerte, peligro inminente para sus vidas o ejecución extrajudicial.
He guessed that this was because his death was imminent;
Supuso que era porque su muerte era inminente;
My death is imminent, Marcus Aurelius.
Mi muerte es inminente, Marco Aurelio.
Who had kissed her when hope was lost and death was imminent.
Quien la había besado cuando la esperanza estaba perdida y la muerte era inminente.
And how did Mutreaux feel, knowing this, knowing that his death was imminent?
Y, ¿cómo se sentiría Mutreaux sabiendo que su muerte era inminente?
When his death is imminent, Socrates composes and sings lyric verse.
Sócrates compone y canta poemas líricos cuando su muerte es inminente.
"One death is imminent," the warrior Tharp said in his deep, seldom-heard voice.
—En un caso, la muerte es inminente —dijo el guerrero Tharp con su voz profunda que tan pocas veces se oía—.
Renato Cardinal DiMilo thought it strange that there was so little pain, for he knew that his death was imminent.
A Renato DiMilo le pareció extraño que el dolor fuera tan mínimo, porque sabía que su muerte era inminente.
Old Scytale knew death was imminent, but he had dramatized his infirmity in an attempt to shock his replacement.
El viejo Scytale sabía que su muerte era inminente, pero había exagerado su enfermedad en un intento de impresionar a su sustituto.
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