Перевод для "commentate on" на испанский
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Please comment.
Sírvanse comentar.
Please comment on this.
Sírvase comentar este extremo
- Would you like to comment on that?
- ¿Te gustaría comentar sobre eso?
I can't comment on that bottle.
No puedo comentar sobre esa botella.
No, I can't comment on that.
No puedo comentar sobre eso.
Would you care to comment on that?
¿Le importaría comentar sobre eso?
Would you comment on that?
¿Podría comentar sobre esto?
- I won't comment on that.
- No voy a comentar sobre eso.
I'm happy to comment on other cases.
Comentaré sobre otros.
I will not comment on it.
- No comentaré sobre esto.
She had no comment.
No tenía nada que comentar.
  "Refuse to comment.
- Me niego a comentar eso.
No challenges, no comments.
Sin cuestionar ni comentar nada.
… care to comment…?
–¿… querrían comentar…?
I should have no comment.
No tendría nada que comentar.
He refrained from comment.
Se abstuvo de comentar nada.
I abstained from commenting.
Me abstuve de comentar.
He did not bother to comment.
No se molestó en comentar.
“Tell me, and I’ll comment.”
—Cuéntemelo, y yo lo comentaré.
The popular Morning Mede program had even commented maliciously: “By honoring us with their presence, our distinguished guests have—if only temporarily—raised the cultural level of both worlds…”
Un programma del mattino molto seguito, il Mattino di Ganimede, aveva perfino commentato con malizia: «Onorandoci con la loro presenza, i nostri illustri ospiti hanno contribuito a elevare, sebbene per breve tempo soltanto, il livello culturale di entrambi i mondi...».
Indeed, they had laughingly lamented their total lack of romantic interest in each other – though Indra had once commented, “I guess that if we were both marooned on a desert asteroid, with no hope of rescue, we could come to some arrangement.”
Certo, si erano lamentati ridendo della totale mancanza di interesse romantico nei rispettivi confronti anche se Indra una volta aveva commentato: «Immagino che se fossimo entrambi abbandonati su un asteroide deserto, senza alcuna speranza di essere salvati, potremmo arrivare a qualche accordo.»
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