Перевод для "balancing act" на испанский
Balancing act
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It is a balancing act and it is a dream.
Es un malabarismo y también un sueño.
If this was still, as Lenin described it, a balancing act, it was a negative one – a Bonapartism of the despised.
Si esto era, como lo describía Lenin, un nuevo malabarismo, era uno negativo;
A successful marriage was a balancing act—that was a thing everyone knew.
El éxito de un matrimonio solo se lograba haciendo malabarismos; eso era algo que todo el mundo sabía.
When he walked it seemed as if he was engaged in a balancing act that was always on the point of collapsing.
Cuando caminaba parecía que estuviese haciendo un truco de malabarismo, siempre a punto de derrumbarse.
It was a feasible balancing act, as long as I drank less than half a bottle of the indifferent Médoc that stood between us.
Era un malabarismo factible, siempre que yo no bebiera más de media botella del Médoc anodino que había sobre la mesa, entre los dos.
What in hell had she stumbled across? The shock of what those people were doing destroyed her delicate balancing act, and for a moment Abra was all in one place, all here.
El impacto de lo que aquellas personas estaban haciendo destruyó su delicado malabarismo y por un momento Abra se encontró en un solo lugar, en casa de Emma.
His immoderate and mysterious love of married women forced him to perform the odd moral balancing act, and on two or three occasions, forced by circumstance into inevitable duplicity, I saw him give up, resignedly, the pleasures he had already been assured.
Su gusto inmoderado y misterioso por las mujeres casadas lo obligaba a veces a no pocos malabarismos morales, y en dos o tres ocasiones, empujado por las circunstancias a una inevitable duplicidad, lo vi renunciar con resignación a goces que ya le estaban asegurados.
Doris took great pains to offer her most exquisite culinary experiments, which were veritable banquets, yet regularly ended up weeping in her room because nobody appreciated them; good old Larry meanwhile performed a constant balancing act to avoid quarrels.
Doris se esmeraba en ofrecer sus mejores experimentos culinarios, verdaderos banquetes, y solía acabar llorando en su pieza, porque nadie los apreciaba, mientras el bueno de Larry hacía malabarismos para evitar roces.
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