Übersetzung für "tal vez porque" auf englisch
91. Parece ser que los problemas vinculados a los conflictos de intereses han suscitado poca atención, tal vez porque no se comprenden o porque algunos participantes se inclinan a beneficiarse de ello.
It seems as if the problems connected to conflicts of interest have attracted little attention, maybe because they are not understood or that some participants are inclined to benefit from this.
Parece que el Gobierno no quiere dar esa información, tal vez porque piensa que Namibia es un Estado unitario y, por lo tanto, incluye a todos los negros en un grupo "mayoritario", reconociendo únicamente las diferencias lingüísticas. ¿Los herero, nama/damara y otros grupos mencionados constituyen grupos lingüísticos o son grupos étnicos diferentes? ¿Se identifica a los caprivi por el hecho de que viven en la franja de Caprivi?
It appeared that the Government was reluctant to provide such information, maybe because it saw Namibia as a unitary State and therefore included all blacks in one "majority" group, recognizing only linguistic differences. Were the Herero, Nama/Damara and other groups mentioned linguistic groups or were they ethnically different? Were the Caprivi identified by the fact that they lived in the Caprivi Strip?
Tal vez por O’Gorman.
Maybe because of O’Gorman.
Tal vez se debía a que era un forastero, o tal vez a que había salvado a Frank en el río.
Maybe because he was also an outsider, maybe because he’d saved Frank at the river.
Tal vez porque no era cierto.
Maybe because it wasn't true.
Tal vez sea porque estoy en la cama.
Maybe because I’m in bed.
Tal vez es porque, y no estoy poniendo ninguna excusa, tal vez es por la forma en que me criaron.
Maybe because, I’m not making an excuse here, but maybe because, the way I was raised, you know.
Tal vez porque yo lo inventé.
Maybe because I made it up.
Corresponde señalar que la prostitución sigue siendo un fenómeno nebuloso en la República Democrática del Congo, tal vez debido a que no constituye infracción.
Prostitution remains a nebulous phenomenon in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, perhaps because it is not an offence.
- Las prohibiciones alimentarias: algunos platos (tal vez por lo suculentos que son) le están prohibidos a la mujer, ya que no es igual al hombre.
- Food taboos: women are not allowed to eat certain foods (perhaps because they are delicious) since they are not the equals of men.
Tal vez debido a que las palabras de la Asamblea adolecían de falta de claridad, la CDI interpretó las palabras de modo diferente en los dos casos.
Perhaps because the Assembly's words lacked clarity, the Commission had interpreted that phrase differently in the two cases.
Tal vez porque ahora mismo es muy obvio que los problemas del mundo -- las realidades de las que he hablado -- son muy complejas y están vinculadas entre sí.
Perhaps because it is now so apparent that the world's problems -- the realities that I spoke of -- are so complex and interlinked.
Tal vez a causa de los estereotipos las mujeres cursan carreras que no las preparan para los trabajos disponibles.
Perhaps, because of stereotyping, women had been channelled into courses of study that did not prepare them for the jobs that were available.
Pero una solución duradera sigue siendo inalcanzable, tal vez debido a que la comunidad internacional no asigna primera prioridad a los refugiados.
But a durable solution remained out of reach, perhaps because refugees were not the first priority for the international community.
El que se viene más pronto a la mente, tal vez porque lo tenemos muy cerca, es el de la tecnología solar para calentar agua.
The one that readily springs to mind, perhaps because it is so close to home, is solar water-heating technology.
En la práctica, muy pocas niñas optan por hacerlo durante su embarazo, tal vez debido a la presión de los compañeros, la vergüenza, etc.
In practice, very few girls opt to continue their schooling during their pregnancy, perhaps because of peer pressure, embarrassment, etc.
Las actividades de la segunda categoría de terroristas han sido limitadas, tal vez por la condena de las agrupaciones de mujeres y de todos los ciudadanos respetados.
The activities of the second category of terrorist had been limited, perhaps because of the condemnation of women's groups and all respected citizens.
Tal vez porque yo no participé en el regateo, eso me permitió distanciarme de la situación y prestar atención al lenguaje corporal.
Perhaps because I was not the one involved in the actual bargaining of the price, I was able to step back and observe her body language.
Tal vez se la llevara el viento, tal vez así lo quiso nuestro interlocutor.
Perhaps because of the wind, or perhaps because the speaker wanted it that way.
Tal vez gracias al Guante.
Perhaps because of the Glove.
Tal vez por ser domingo.
Perhaps because it was Sunday.
Tal vez porque estaba muy cansada.
It was perhaps because she was tired.
Tal vez era eso lo que quería.
Perhaps because she preferred to.
Tal vez porque él era el comandante.
Perhaps because he was the commander.
¿Por qué era una Faraona, tal vez?
Was it perhaps because she was a Guineafowl?
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