Übersetzung für "sentimientos de remordimiento" auf englisch
Sentimientos de remordimiento
Pero fue rasgada por el sentimiento de remordimiento.
But she was torn by the feeling of remorse
A eso normalmente le seguía un sentimiento de remordimiento y la terrible seguridad de que había vuelto a fallar a mi madre.
That would be followed by powerful feelings of remorse and an overwhelming sense that I had once again failed to take my mother's instructions to heart.
Le palmeó torpemente la espalda y emitió pequeños maullidos y, cuando volvió a levantarla, su cara tenía una expresión de auténtica perplejidad y dolor, que despertó sentimientos de remordimiento en Brenda.
Awkwardly she patted her back and made little mewing sounds, and when she emerged again her face held such an expression of genuine perplexity and pain that it awakened feelings of remorse in Brenda.
Una conmoción de sentimientos, comprensión, remordimiento y amor irrazonable le hizo taparse la cara con las manos… No pudo hablar hasta que su interior se aquietó y entonces dijo muy bajo—: Sí, claro, el rey de Finlandia.
A great commotion of feelings – understanding, remorse, and unreasonable love – made him cover his face with his hands. He could not speak until this agitation in his insides quieted down, and then he said very faintly, "Yes. Of course. The King of Finland. And was he nice?"
En esta pregunta afloraba de nuevo su desprecio por toda forma de corrupción y de decadencia, desprecio que hacía más insoportable un acre sentimiento de remordimiento y de dolor filial. Tal vez era culpa suya el que su madre hubiese quedado reducida a aquel estado;
With this question, his disgust for every form of corruption and decadence resurfaced, rendered even more unbearable by a bitter feeling of remorse and filial sorrow: maybe it was his fault that his mother was reduced to such a state, maybe if he had loved her more or in a different way, she would not have fallen into such squalid and irremediable abandon.
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