Übersetzung für "obligándolo" auf englisch
Además de estos crímenes, se cometieron actos de violencia sistemáticos contra los pigmeos, obligándoles a huir de la selva.
In addition to these abuses, there was systematic violence against Pygmies, forcing them to flee from the forest.
En una ocasión, unos agentes de policía lo llevaron a una comisaría obligándolo a dejar su bolsa fuera.
On one occasion, he was taken to a police station by police officers and was forced to leave his bag outside.
3. Explotándolo u obligándolo a trabajar en exceso o a realizar tareas que no son apropiadas para su edad.
3. By exploiting the child - forcing him to work excessively or to perform work inappropriate for his age.
En Bahía Ballena una madre explotaba a su hija adolescente del norte obligándola a prostituirse.
In Walvis Bay, a mother was exploiting her teenage daughter from the North through forced prostitution.
Se abusa de ellos obligándoles a cometer abusos contra los derechos humanos.
They are being abused by being forced to commit human rights abuses.
Por último, habría que velar por que no se marginalice a los países menos adelantados, obligándolos a efectuar reformas.
Lastly, care should be taken to avoid marginalizing the least developed countries by forcing them to adopt reforms.
Golpiza, amenazas, obligándole a firmar una declaración autoinculpatoria
Beating, threats, forced to sign a self-incriminating statement
c) Explota al niño obligándole a realizar un trabajo agotador o un trabajo impropio de su edad;
(c) Exploits the child by forcing it to do exhausting work or work not suited to its age,
Están obligándole a tenderse en el suelo.
They are forcing him to the ground.
—Esto... ¿Estaba él obligándola a venirse abajo?
This . He was forcing her to fold?
obligándola a mirar, a concentrarse en lo que tenía ante sí.
forcing her to look, to focus on what was in front of her.
Silencio la rodeó poco a poco, obligándola a retroceder.
Silence edged around, forcing the shade back.
Ahora alguien (algo) estaba obligándolo a actuar.
Now someone – something – was forcing his hand.
Quería ese caballo para él, pero estaba obligándola a aceptarlo para sí.
He wanted this horse. And he was forcing it on her.
El dron empujó a Cole, obligándole a entrar.
The drone forced Cole into the room.
Le tiré del brazo, obligándole a parar.
I pulled on his arm, forcing him to stop.
Él la tomó de los hombros, obligándola a escucharlo.
He caught her shoulders, forcing her to hear him.
Clyde abrazó a Rooney, obligándola a retirarse.
Clyde hugged Rooney, forcing her to retreat.
El sharaní lo golpeó con el escudo, obligándolo a recular.
He smashed his shield into Juilin, forcing him back.
—Miré furiosa a Alessandro, obligándolo a mirarme también—.
I glared at Alessandro, forcing him to meet my eyes.
El Entramado giraba alrededor de Rand, obligándolo a observar.
The Pattern spun around Rand, forcing him to watch.
Empiecen arrestando al mayordomo y obligándolo a confesar la verdad.
Begin by arresting the butler and forcing him to confess the truth.
De improviso Saltador se paró, obligándolo a detenerse a su vez.
Suddenly Hopper stopped, forcing him to halt, too.
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