Übersetzung für "lo que merece uno" auf englisch
Lo que merece uno
A pesar de su importancia, esta cuestión no ha recibido la atención o el apoyo que merece.
Despite its significance, this issue has not received due attention or support.
La tradición religiosa merece su parte de respeto.
The religious tradition deserved its due share of respect.
Especial reconocimiento merece Realizing Rights: Ethical Globalization Initiative.
A special thank you is due to Realizing Rights: The Ethical Globalization Initiative.
La Comisión debe otorgar a ese tema la importancia que merece.
The Committee must give that topic its due importance.
Merece gratitud en particular el Centro de Coordinación sobre los Derechos Humanos.
Thanks are particularly due to the United Nations Focal Point.
Las mujeres serán tratadas con toda la consideración que merece su sexo.
Women shall be treated with all consideration due to their sex ....
El informe presentado por el Relator Especial sobre el tema merece la debida consideración.
The report submitted by the Special Rapporteur on the subject deserved due consideration.
Al igual que el mantenimiento de la paz, la prevención de los conflictos merece especial atención.
51. In tandem with peacekeeping, due emphasis should be placed on conflict prevention.
Pensamos que este es un tema importante que merece la debida consideración en el seno de la Asamblea General.
We believe that this is an important issue that deserves due consideration by the General Assembly.
Debe otorgarse a la Corte lo que merece.
The Court has to be accorded its due.
Se merece un aplauso.
Applause is due Him.
él no merece menos.
nothing less is due to him.
El sabe el respeto que ella merece.
He knows what's due her.
Cada uno recibe lo que merece.
Each is paid what is his due.
le dedicaré la consideración que merece.
I'll give it all the consideration it is due."
Alá merece todas las alabanzas.
All praises are due to Allah.
El púlpito dice que es Él quien merece la alabanza.
The pulpit says the praise is due to him.
¡A su tiempo pagará como merece!
In due course I will pay you as you deserve.
Siempre reconozco el mérito de quien se lo merece.
I always give credit where it’s due.”
Todo mi séquito ha de ser recibido con el respeto que merece.
All of my party must be received with the respect they are due.
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